Chapter 20

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Sara. She was gone. Dead. He had killed her.

I was silently crying and shaking uncontrollably. Jax had an arm wrapped around me trying to comfort me and Matt was standing just beside us. The police had taped off Sara's flat and were currently gathering evidence. The case was apparently under the MIT, the homicide branch of London police.

The moment my eyes had met with the grisly scene, I knew whose doing it was. What happened after that was all a blur. I had managed to call the police with shaking hands. They needed me for questioning but I was barely stable so they had me call someone. I called Matt and Jax.

"Ssh..." Jax tried to comfort me, "Don't look there. We'll be free to go in a moment."

My throat was dry from crying so much and even though my vision was blurry from tears, I averted my gaze from Sara's door. Sara. It finally dawned on me that she really was gone. The scene from when I had switched on the light was imprinted in my head. The chair, the ropes, the blood, Sara's limp form, the picture in her hand....

A fresh bout of tears seized me and I buried my head into the first person I could find, which so happened to be Matt. He looked stunned for a moment but then hugged me back, whispering comforting words into my ear. The only thing I heard was, "You're okay."

After a few moments, a man in an MIT vest ducked out from under the yellow tape and came to us, followed by a uniform clad woman. I wiped the tears off with the back of my sleeve and looked at them.

The man was blonde and had blue eyes, making him surprisingly good looking. He had face which practically dripped confidence. "Miss Katelyn Winters?" he asked smoothly. When I nodded he continued, "I'm special agent Jack Larson with London homicide. This is my partner, Eva Redding."

The woman with him gave a friendly smile. I just nodded in return. The man's name seemed familiar but I couldn't quite place it. "And you are?" Agent Larson questioned looking at the boys on either side of me.

"I'm Matthew Winters, Kat's brother." Matt replied.

Jax looked uncomfortable, but he replied, "I'm Jax, Kat's friend."

Agent Larson just nodded in return, "So, Kat. I believe you were the one who discovered the body?"

I nodded slowly, not meeting his eyes, "Sara had asked me to come over."

"Hmm. Did you notice anything suspicious on your way here?" the woman - Eva - asked.

I shook my head, but after a moment, blurted out, "Wait, I think I did see something."

"Pray tell."

I inhaled deeply, "There was this man with me in the elevator. He was wearing a hoodie that covered most of his face. The entire time he rode with me, he never said a word, not even when I asked him a question. He just stood in the corner like a statue."

"That is pretty suspicious. What else can you tell us about this man?" Agent Larson asked.

"I didn't really get a good look at him but he was fairly built and had eyes an unusual shade of blue."

Jack Larson looked deep in thought. Finally he sighed, "Who else did Sara's social circle consist of?"

I shrugged, "She didn't have a very big social circle. From what she told me, she was only in touch with me, the other people at our workplace and her boyfriend, Zac."

Agent Redding raised a brow, looking rather surprised, "Why hasn't Zac been called?"

I looked down at my feet, "Things had been rather....tense between him and Sara. She told me he hadn't been returning her calls. I tried calling him a few minutes ago, he's unreachable."

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