Journal Entry 8

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I understand it's been quite awhile since I've written in this thing. Plenty of things have happened. Let me catch you up to speed.

The date I had planned with Violet on Halloween completely flopped. She refused to leave the house in spite of her parents.

Speaking of Mr. And Mrs. Harmon, they found out about me and Violet, which is why she couldn't leave the house on Halloween because she was "grounded" .

The Hamptons still reside here, so far no fatal accidents and it's been a year. Pretty surprising if you ask me. I think it's that fact that none of the spirits in the house like them so we wouldn't want to be stuck with them for eternity. We all try our best to get them to move but they still haven't budged.

Me and Violet have been in a pretty heated argument for about a week now. She blamed me for the fact she couldn't leave on Halloween and I agreed with her but she kept yelling.

On mischief night I decided me and Vi could get a little mischievous so I planned out something for her in the attic. What I didn't know was that Ben and Vivien had the same idea. I brought Vi up there blindfolded and I was only wearing my underwear. I creaked open the door only to see Ben and Vivien who were having an intense make out session. I urged Vi to keep her blindfold on as I covered my eyes and tried to keep quiet. Vi finally said something and they heard her. They looked over to see me with her, there faces went from happy to disgusted.

    I felt my heart sink as they grabbed Violet's wrist and pulled her away from me. Ben spit on my feet and called me a monster. I spent that night alone with my thoughts.

    The only talking me and Violet have been doing is just arguing. I miss her so much, I miss her warm embrace and gentle words. She's all I want, she's all I have.
Maybe we'll start talking normally again, all I can do I hope for the best.

     Yours truly,
Tate Langdon

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