Chapter 8

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For thirty minutes I have been able to focus on driving behind my dad in his Bently Continental GT. Now my music is just background noise along with the sounds of the tires treading on smooth road.

My mind is beginning to wander off as I think of the friends, ex-boyfriends, frienenemies and people I knew in general. Marcus and his sweet self took our breakup yesterday really well. Of course, he saw it coming from a mile away since he was the first person I’d told. Maybe I was just fooling myself into believing he felt something more for me. I mean, what guy wouldn’t? I have a great body, great looks (if I say so myself), beautiful hair, awesome grades, and I was the leader of the most prestigious club in school. Not only that but my family had great standing in town and we were rich. Again, were. I guess facy clothes just weren’t his thing.

I remember the first date we had; Marcus drove up to my house and stood outside waiting for me in a pair of nice dress slacks and a sports jacket. My father greeted him for a brief minute, pleased to see such a handsome young man at his daughter’s side; then we were off on our date. In downtown, a new Movie Grill had just opened up, which Marcus so thoughtfully made a reseveration for us. That night went really well for we laughed lots, ate great food, watch an awesome movie. Though, I can’t remember the name of it- all I know is that I had a splendid time with him.

Now, I’m thinking about when he first asked me out, boy that was something else. The day when Marcus first asked me out was in Sophomore year at an after game party at the quarterback’s house. The parents of the quarterback were out of town for the dad’s bosses’ wedding so everyone was going to go. Back then I didn’t know him very well except that Marcus’ family was having some problems. He looked so cute then, though, looking like Fonsi in his leather jacket and dark blue jeans with his black hair slickly, gelled back. I don’t know when he came in because I was dancing with my friends right beside the gigantic speakers. At that time I was in the club, a full blown member, so I was not about to dirty up my fragile reputation.

Out of nowhere there he was standing right next to me, trying to yell in my ear, saying something about wanting to talk. Yeah, I knew he wanted to talk but I faked not being able to hear him over the blasting hip hop music. Getting frustrated, Marcus continued to try to portray to me what he wanted. Just as the music ended he yelled, “Will you go out with me?!” Everyone laughed and cheered him on. I stood there with this stupid look on my face. I wasn’t sure what to do! It was the first time something publically humiliating like that happened to me. All I knew was that I had to get out of there quick!

After that little display there was no way I was going to go out with him, no matter how cute he was. Remembering this now, I laughed while keeping my hands steady on the wheel; Marcus was such a dork back then. In junior year all that changed- Marcus had grown into a mature young man, he lost his boyish good looks to handsome, built young guy. He became dreamy, confident; a sure fire hit with all the girls and…and…shit…where’s my dad’s car?

Oh fuck, I must have fallen behind while reminiscing about the past; I can’t see him at all. Before getting too far behind, I speed up, “Locate Dad,” I say in a loud, clear voice as I try to look past the two semis blocking my view. I zip between them just as the GPS’s female, robotic voice tells me to take the next exit which I just missed…fuck.

After turning myself around, I was finally on the exit to take me to Garryson. The drive was not bad at all with only two hours and some odd minutes on the road. Before arriving, I hadn’t realized it but I was hoping that there would be things to do. The first drive in was not very promising, though. A strip mall here and there, a relatively small dollar theater, and my new high school were the only interesting things so far. The building was two stories tall, faded red bricks were crumbling all around it. I turned the corner just in time to see my dad’s car making a turn to a different street. The football field was to my right, I could see some girls who seemed to be cheerleader out there practicing. What for? All the main sports cheerleaders perform in are over, aren’t they?

So, anyways, I turned into the same road dad went on, following close behind him for the remainder of the few miles. Downtown turned into suburbia as we got farther out. We were in an older yet fairly newer part of the neighborhood; all the houses here were two stories, the exterior walls made of out bricks. How young the houses were would have been reassuring if it wasn’t for how badly taken care of they were. The grass was dead in patches, trees weren’t in bloom yet, and there were empty flower beds looking like the never fully served their purpose.

Dad then pulled into a beige house with completely dead grass on the front lawn and a single, sickly tree trying to suck whatever water it could out of the ground. So,  I’m guessing this…house…is the new place where I’m supposed to live? What the hell??

We just passed a really new neighborhood! Al l the houses there couldn’t have been occupied, right? Unless…now way- this was the best my father, the businessman, could afford? Where did all the money we made from selling the paintings, the cars, the mansion go? Where we seriously that deep in debt?

I sat in my seat, staring disbelievingly at this place. This was such a huge step down. No, it was a gigantic hop and a skip away from all the plush I was so used to. Oh god, why was i being punished for my father’s poor decisions??

Laura who had gotten out of the car, was smiling warmly at it. I bet she used to lived in a used just like this before moving into the maid’s quarters in the mansion. Of course, she would be used to this. I bet my room is going to be the size of my old closet! From riches to rags; typical bullshit.

I saw my dad waving to catch my attention. After turning off the car I grabbed my bag of prepared clothes for the night, I was probably going to sleep on the couch as my bed wasn’t going to arrive until tomorrow. Stupid, slow mover guys. I bet they weren’t at all busy today. I bet they just said that to annoy me; what assholes.

Well…here goes nothing, i suppose. 

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