Chapter 8:What A Night

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Rosette's POV
I stood there dumbstruck looking at Darren and Alex. I kept looking back and forth between the two. The only difference was slight shades of dark brown hair between the two and their eyes. Darren was built with blue eyes and sorta dark hair meanwhile Alex had green eyes and dark brown hair. Both were strikingly handsome. "Darren" I say telling myself that there's two. "Shall we sit?" Alex said. I nodded and he let me in the booth first so I was in between Darren and Alex. Darren was looking at me like I was a piece of steak. "So is there a reason you wanted me for dinner?" I ask. "Well my father first called my brother and I to discuss taking over the company" Alex said. "My brother accepted but I was a bit skeptical. That's why I'm here" Darren finished for him. God fucking dammit I can barely stand one man whore I can't take two especially when they are hot. "Ok. I'm sorry but what does this have to do with me" I say not wanting to be here. "Well I wanted to know what I was getting into" Darren said with a smirk. Darren's blue eyes made me choke on my words. "And what exactly do the two of you believe you are getting in?" Alex and Darren exchanged looks. "You aren't ready yet" Alex says. I kept my mouth shut. "Well I've decided," Darren spoke eyeing me,"I'll be joining the company tomorrow" he says smiling. "I thought you were still skeptical." "Well......something changed my mind" he says staring at me. I looked at Alex but he was smirking at me staring at me the same way Darren was. I wonder if they are talking in their head. Maybe they have twin telepathy. I kept my usual composure not showing my confusion. I sat up and placed my napkin down. "I'll be right back" I say pushing in my chair. "And where do you think you're going?" Darren asked. I frowned. "Restroom" I say and walk away.

Once I got in I took a deep breath. Ever since Alex joined the company I've been lying to myself. Telling myself he was annoying and that I don't feel anything. But I can't take it. If just one man is taking me down how weak was I? Now that there's two I don't think I'll survive. If I want to continue on and protect myself then I need to make the right choice. I didn't work hard for nothing and although I did like this job, Hank is no longer here and these two...Greek gods won't be as respectful as him. They'll dig and no one will like what they find. After composing myself, I walked out. The young waiter from earlier was passing when i bumped into him. "Oh god I'm so sorry" I say and began picking up the glasses. His hand landed on mine and I looked into his eyes. He smiled for a second "It's ok. I'd love to have someone as beautiful as you run into me any day" he says. I nod with a thanks and get up. "Do you need help taking these in?" I ask. He had lots of dishes and I still felt bad. He nodded. I helped him and we placed the dishes in the sink. He thanked me while looking me up and down. Seeing his hard on I began to feel uncomfortable and walked out the door by the restroom. I felt a hand grab my wrist and I turned around facing the guy. "You're very sexy. Would you like to go on a date sometime?" He asked with a smirk. I tugged on my wrist but he seemed to have a good hold. "Uh no thank you I'm very busy" I say pulling away but I only get a few steps in before he pulls me back. "Cmon baby. I was being nice and you bumped into me. Why don't you pay some compensation?" He says pulling me closer. Startled by his sudden confidence I pulled again and by this time my heart was thumping as fear began crawling in. I cursed myself for being so weak. He wouldn't let go. The guy leaned forward "Cmon baby my shift is over lets go have some fun" "She said no thanks" a deep voice rang from behind us. The guy and I both froze and looked at the guy who the voice belonged to. Well two guys who both looked angry as fuck. The looks on their faces looked so mad the waiter and I  gripped each other out of fear. Alex marched to us and easily slipped me out of the guys hold laying me in Darren's arms. He then took a step forward and punched the guy in the face. "Ow what the hell are you doing!?" The guy yelled. Alex dragged him into the kitchen while Darren led me out of the restaurant. I was so shocked that I barely noticed we were in a limo with Mason and Alex got in. He looks pissed as fuck same as Darren. They took a few seconds before Alex spoke up. "What the hell were you doing with that guy?" He said. "What do you mean?" Darren spoke up next. "That guy had his eyes on you this whole time and you gladly walk away with him!" Are they serious? Why would they care? "Ok well I didn't think that would happen. Why do you two care anyways?" I said. They both stiffened. I eyed them suspiciously. "We have our reasons" Alex said. "Like?" He and Darren stayed quiet. Keeping my composure I spoke looking at both of them. "Well I'm sorry for the trouble tonight. Thank you for helping me" they both looked at me. "Well I'm happy we did. We don't know what could have happened." I could imagine. "What?" They both said. "What" "You just said you could imagine. How would you know what that guy was planning?" Darren asked. Now it was my turn to stiffen. "Because all guys are like that" I reply. "Not everyone is li-" Alex was cut off by my phone ringing. I pulled it out expecting Lucy or Julie on caller ID but this was worse. I froze and stared at the phone wide eyed. I recognized that number as the one I've blocked. Except there's always a little change that brings it back. I could feel myself begin to shake as memories flooded my mind. My ringer kept going and the sound wasn't helping. "Rose?" I didn't look away. I kept my eyes on the phone as I answered and lifted it to my ear.


*silence on the other end*
Who's this?


Found you.

The caller hung up. My heart was beating like a drum and I began to struggle keeping my face emotionless. "Rosette what was that all about?" One of the twins asked. "An emergency. Mason if you don't mind could you drive a little faster to my house?" Mason nodded and did as told. "Rose we don't like being lied to. What just happened? You look like you saw a ghost" Darren said using that nickname. I glared at him. "None of your business" he and Alex looked pissed. Before they could say anything we were at my house and I jumped out of the car. I said goodbye to Mason and quickly ran inside not caring if they saw. Once inside I went for the hidden hand gun and turned on the lights searching everything. Once the coast was clear I changed my clothes and threw out my phone. His words kept repeating in my ears until I couldn't take it. I screamed out and began to sob as I fell onto the floor of my living room. The  realization of the danger I was in hit me like a brick and I jumped up and began packing. I locked my doors and sped out to a hotel near my work. This would have to do for now.
I can't get his horrible words out of my head. The sound of his voice hasn't changed.

Found you

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