Ch.1 Rewrite

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(Begins in a third person limited POV but switches to 1st)

Rain poured from the gray skies, leaving sounds of impact echoing throughout the quiet house. As the skies began to brighten, the dark grey walls in the bedroom absorbed any light that entered, except the small streams of sun that shone through the blinds of the window. Elise lay still on her bed, wrapped in her comforter as the light shined on her face. She sighed in comfort and closed her eyes. After a slow exhale, she stepped out of bed.

With her dark brown locks in a tight bun, and a light layer of eye and lip make up on, she drove off to work after making breakfast.

The minute Elise entered the tall building, she was greeted by a short, bright woman who jumped in her path. "Good morning Elise!" The young lady exclaimed. Elise glanced at the shorter woman for a second before continuing on. The blond woman followed . "Good morning Lucille.'' She murmured. Lucille beamed. With a woman such as Elise, Lucille understood that the quiet greeting had been a great effort, and Lucille treasured that. "How was your morning? Mine was great. Toby woke me up with a big, sloppy kiss which is, by the way, the only way I can be woken up early with a smile. Then, before I left for work, he tried to keep me home by tugging on my shirt with his teeth. It was so adorable I would have melted hahaha" her story ended with a fit of giggles. Elise noticed the bite marks at the bottom of the bubbly woman's shirt and with a roll of her eyes, smiled inside. If you haven't realized, Toby is Lucille's dog. It was quite confusing in the beginning when Lucille would tell Elise all these stories of a Toby stealing her underwear and running around wet in her bedroom. She had thought the blue eyed woman to be strange. It staggered Elise's composure when she realized that the Toby she had thought of as a weird man for so long, was actually a big, fluffy husky. Lucille chatted on until the two women had reached a room to the left of the long hallway they had been walking. Lucille stopped in front of the door, "Well, ill leave you to your work Eli. Ill see you later!" She said, then walked off to a large, busy area to the right, filled with cubicles. Elise watched her walk away before entering the room she stood in front of.

By the look of the coffee supplies, fridge, and lounge area, it was the break room. She served two coffees, both caffeine, one with four vanilla creamers and another black with sugar. Elise grabbed the beverages then walked down the remaining length of the hall into a matte glass door. The room she entered had big windows with a pale sun shining through thick clouds, into the setting. The lady at the front desk greeted her as she passed. Elise offered a nod in reply before entering a final room that matched the prior one in color, but rather than a front desk and waiting area, there was two large desks each with a desktop, one completely in disarray, the other perfectly organized. Elise walked over to the covered desk where a distracted older man with gray hair sat. He had been so lost in thought that he didn't notice the presence of Elise approaching. She set down his black coffee and walked over to the organized desk, hearing a "Good morning Elise" softly chime from behind her. A small smile stretched her lips as she returned the greeting. "Good morning Mr.Emerson." She said as she sat in front of her desk. "How has your day been so far, Elise?" The older man asked as he took a grateful sip of his coffee. "It's been fine, Sir. And yours?" Elise replied with a robot like tone lingering in her voice. "If I'm honest, dear, it would be a lot better if you called me Hank. Sir makes me feel old and stiff" he finished with a grunt as he continued looking over his documents. "As you wish, Hank" she quietly replied before pulling out a large tablet and beginning her work. This was the routine. One she enjoyed very much.

Elise worked as both an investment advisor and PA for Hank. She began this work when searching for a stable job after graduating from college. She had some experience in a lab and had hoped to work in a chemical lab setting but after meeting Hank in a dark situation long ago, he offered her this job as a small commitment from her that she would join his development company. She would be his advisor and PA until the lab department they were creating was completed. It has been two years since she first joined and even though his promise is taking some time, she doesn't mind the experience and work she has now. Working for Hank was a breath of fresh air. She could use her mind and wit easily without any sort of negative pressure or insecurity from the man she worked for. You see, not many know Elise's past, nor does she like to discuss it. She can only acknowledge the limits it places on her now, and do her best to work past them. Elise works diligently for this company and owes Hank all her gratitude for the living he's provided her with.

The sun set as the work day began to end. Some more time passed and the sky was now dark. Hank and her had a day in, no meetings, just document and possible business opportunity review. Hank thanked her for her hard work as the two began to pack up. Most people left by five but the two were hard workers and stayed often until 7 or 8. The job was not so demanding in time but in effort and thought. Elise had finished cleaning her workspace when Hank called to her. "Elise,'' he called quietly from his desk, " would you mind having a seat? There's something important id like to discuss." Elise nodded and walked over. Elise looked at the older man as he let out a deep sigh. "Elise I'm tired. Ive built and run this company for the last 25 years after quitting my "career" at a car dealership. It's reached a point where I feel it can have a new leader." He paused and looked at Elise. She looked expectantly at him. "I'm retiring Elise. Though it is a bit early, I have plenty of money to allow Ana and I to travel for the rest of our lives. We've been waiting so long for the company to reach this point and we're both so excited for this upcoming journey." He paused once more to observe Elise as her eyes wandered. She was lost in thought. What would happen now? Would he clean house with a new staff? Did she have enough savings to comfortably look for a new job? Hank must have noticed her concern because he then said, "Not to worry Elise. You're one of the most efficient and dedicated workers I've ever seen. You still have your job here...if you'd like it" he waited for her reply. Her eyes widened. "Oh yes sir, I would like to continue working here. But what will happen after you leave" She asked, feeling the silence afterwards to be a bit too long for comfort. "Well in all honesty Elise I would have preferred you to take over my role, especially since we've worked so closely over the past two years and I feel you understand the responsibilities well enough to perform them on your own. But unfortunately, constrains of prior contracts with clients and investments prevents me from allowing an "outsider" to take over my role. In the meantime, I have two AMAZING sons who will GLADLY take over for me" the old man finished with loud sarcasm as he threw his hands in the air. Elise smiled. "Pardon me sir, but will I be working for your sons?" Elise asked, her voice becoming hush. Hank nodded, both as a reply to her question and of understanding. "You really don't have anything to worry about. My sons are gentlemen and would never harm you. If it doesn't work out, you can bet that we will find you another job here that you would prefer, although I have you named as next in line for this job. I do hope you give them a chance first Elise, I don't know if the company can make it without you" he finished with a small smile. Elise nodded. Of course she would try. For her living and for Hank. She had become quite fond of the older man over their time together. He was what she imaged an ideal father to be. Calm, understanding, and kind. Something she had never experienced before.

As Elise left that night, her heart felt heavy. Hank would be leaving and she would no longer have that breath of fresh air everyday. To be in his company without any sort of anxiety or fear. That night at home had been a long one as Elise pondered what Hank had told her.
His sons would be visiting tomorrow.

*Hi this is Alie. So I'll publish one chapter at a time because although I have two or three prewritten, I'm not risking losing another WHOLE REWRITE(one was totally not my fault but the other....i thought the icon meant undo instead of clear...) so I'll be going with the flow. Thank you everyone for your support and I'm glad to be back.
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