Chapter 12:Phone Call

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I sped to work. Not due to an urge to get there but because my body was so tense and my mind was else where so I forgot to loosen up on the pedal. I know I had quit but I got a message from Hank saying to at least give the boys two weeks to find a new secretary. I would still remain head chemist of the lab though. Once I parked, I sat in the car. I shut my eyes tightly and laid my head on the steering wheel then walked into work. Nothing felt real. I felt like the sound of my heart thump in my ears overcame the chatter of everyone in the office. My ears muffled everything.I pulled down my long sleeves and rushed to the restroom. I looked at the bruise that had formed on my right wrist. Luckily the arms of my suit covered it but looks like ill have trouble typing today. Fortunately neither Alex or Darren were in my office so I was able to start work and avoid any confrontation with them. I heard footsteps from the guys office to mine. They stood in from of my desk but I kept my eyes pinned to the computer. "Rose" Alex growled. I signed and looked up with my usual composure and monotone voice. "Yes Sir?" I replied. I looked at Darren next to him. "Oh my mistake, Sirs" I corrected myself and looked back at the computer. "Rose please join my brother and I in our office for a second. " Darren asked through gritted teeth. I sighed then grabbed my tablet so I could tell them todays schedule. When I walked in they locked the door. I laughed in my head. They had both their desks in the office and remodeled it. Probably wanted to make it their own. Oh shit they wanted to talk. I turned to them and Darren signaled towards the couch. We sat down and I felt anxious. "What happened the last night?" Darren asked sounding mad. "You wouldn't reply to our messages and your drunken self was spouting out ridiculous things like quitting and," Darren and Alex looked at each other awkwardly "fucking." Alex finished. I laughed dryly. "Haha uh I was serious. I talked to your father. Ill work for two more weeks as your secretary while you two search for a new one. After that ill just work as a chemist in the lab." Alex tried to comment but I interrupted him. "Its very unprofessional to discuss our private lives during work hours." I told them. The guys stayed surprisingly quiet as i went over todays agenda.


I decided Alex and I would come up with some plans to make Rose ours which we began talking about halfway through the workday.. "Darren, she was acting really cold towards us" Alex told me with a worried look on his face. "She's always cold" I replied. "No she acted different today. You saw how she looked at us that morning when we all came into work early. She has feelings for us" Alex smiled a bit after that last comment. "I know. And I saw her when she walked in. She looked spaced out." I told Alex. He nodded. "She's been spaced out all day" Alex said with a frustrated look on his face. I knew he was thinking the same thing. She's hiding something. I just want to protect her and love her so does Alex but we wont be able to if things remain the same. Alex walked out of the office into hers and I followed. She looked like her mind was elsewhere. When Alex tapped her shoulder she jumped and fear filled her face. Her eyes began to water. "Rose?" I called out. she looked at me, the same fear in her eyes. I felt anger build in me. Whoever was making her like this was going to pay. I was just about to say something when her phone rang.


I sat at my computer dreading the end of the day. What if this is all a really realistic nightmare? Maybe its not real. Memories of him and the things he did flashed through my mind. Someone tapped on my shoulder and for a second I thought I saw him. Someone called me and I turned. Tears began to fill in my eyes and my vision became blurry. My phone began to ring. I recognized the number and look up. Alex and Darren stared at me. "Um could you guys leave?" I asked in a quiet voice. "We don't want to." Darren said as they both looked at me suspiciously. I weighed out what would be worse. Not answering or the guys overhearing my conversation. I answered the phone and talked quietly. "Hello?" The boys stared at me. I walked to the corner of the room so they wouldn't hear. "Where the fuck are you?" I flinched when he yelled. "I-I'm at work" "Get home now. You've been gone too long." He said sounding mad as hell. I began to shake and tears filled my eyes. "I-I'm sorry sir but I can't" I said with a shaky voice. "Are we going to have to go over the rules again? You have one more hour and if you're not home by the-" "No No! I-ill come home I-i swear!" I yelled into the phone not caring if the twins heard. "You're off the hook if you get here in an hour. Buy yourself something fun" I shut my eyes tightly and bit my lip trying not to cry. I hate this so much. Fun means something revealing so he has easy access. The phone was suddenly yanked out of my hand. I gasped as I turned to look at Darren angrier than hell and Alex matching his face. "Who the fuck is this?!?!" Darren put it on speaker so Alex could hear too. "Excuse me?" He asked in his "calm" tone. But I know that he's probably destroying everything in the house. "You heard him. Who are you and why are you talking to our Rose??" Alex growled. He laughed out loud. "Well well there's two of you. My my Rose you've grown haven't you" I hung my head in shame and embarrassment. Fear spread throughout my body. I didn't even bother to try and stop the conversation because I knew that when I get home I was in deep deep trouble. I didn't look at Darren or Alex because if I do they would be able to see through my broken mask. "Oh my little flower~" he called me in a singsong voice. Like a robot, my head shot up. "Yes sir" I replied in a quiet voice while Darren and Alex stared at me confused and mad. "I'll see you later" he said then hung up. I stared at the phone with dead eyes. "Rose" Alex called to me. When I looked at him, his eyes softened. "Talk to us" He told me. I looked him in the eyes and looked at Darren. Both eyes holding so much emotion and care. The event that just occurred finally hit me. It hit me what they have just done. I let out a breath I was holding in and looked at the floor. I have 52 minutes left to get home. "Why" I whispered. "What?" Darren asked sounding confused. "Why-" I began to choke on my words "why did you have to butt in??!!! Why couldn't you two just leave me alone?!!!! You don't know the damage you've just caused!!!" I screamed at them and jumped up off the seat I was in. I grabbed my phone and began to get my purse and sweater. "Rose what the hell is going on?!" Darren exclaimed. I shook my head violently. "No no no no" I said over and over again. "Rose please talk to us dammit!!" Alex yelled. When I looked up, I couldn't say anything. I've never seen this sort of expression on Alex. Darren was always the over emotional one. Alex looked at me desperate and worried. His face almost brought me to tears. I looked away. "I have to go home early. I may not be at work tomorrow but I will email you two your schedule." I finished before running out of the building and driving as fast as I can. Halfway to the hotel room, I noticed a car trailing me so I took a few extra turns and lost it. Those turns cost me ten minutes. When I'm two blocks away I only have five minutes left. Oh god fucking god I hope I make it. Once I reached the room my time had already been up. I bit my lip trying not to cry and walked in.

I can handle this. I can survive. I did it once and I can do it again. I opened the door, walked in and locked it behind me. My heart dropped when I turned and he was standing there. I stood at the door and didn't dare look at him. When I was finally able to look up, fear overcame me when I saw his face. His jaw offset a bit, something he did when he was mad. Absolute dread filled me and I began to shake when I saw his hands weren't empty. He had a whip.....

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