Chapter 15: "Sleepover" Take Two

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"Rose we have to talk"

Rosette's POV
I looked at Darren and Alex. I chewed my lip nervously. "About what" I asked. Darren lifted his hand and touched my bottom lip which brought heat to my cheeks. "Live with us" He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and Alex. "What? Why?" I asked, not that I wouldn't want to. "Because it's not safe for you to live alone." Alex said as he took a step forward and kissed my head. My eyes widened in surprise and I blushed again. Darren laughed which made me blush even more. "So what do you say?" Darren asked. I bit my lip thinking. I probably shouldn't, I work with them and it just wouldn't be a good idea. I looked at the twins who stared at me with hope in their eyes. Aw what the hell. "Ok" I finally told them. Goofy grins appeared on their faces which made my heart skip a beat. Damn why are they so attractive. They both hugged me and kissed me on my cheeks. Surprisingly I didn't push them away. An officer came to talk to us about what happened again. I stayed quiet but the boys answered him. The cops finally allowed us to leave but mentioned that we would get calls later on and possible court dates. My heart sunk when I realized I'd have to testify. Darren and Alex turned to me and lead me to a taxi. I sat sandwiched between them as they gave the driver their address. My heart thumped like a rabbit's. Why did I say yes?? I'm an idiot I feel so stupid! Things could go so wrong. "Are you ok?" Alex said, waving a hand in front of my face. "Hm? Ya I'm fine why?" I replied quickly. "We are here" Alex said and jumped out of the car. I followed him out and my jaw dropped when I saw their big house. "I-it's so big!" I exclaimed. Darren and Alex laughed and led me in. First there is a small hallway that leads to a kitchen connected to the living room. "This is the first living room" Alex said sounding smug. "There's more than one??" I asked in disbelief. "Yes. And a theatre room and an indoor and outdoor pool" Darren replied. I scoffed and looked around. They lead me to the second story where there were a few doors and the second living room which were all connected by a long hallway that was also attached to a beautiful stairwell. (Omg how cliche are rich dream boys? *scoffs and nervously sweats*)I looked around in awe as we approached a large room at the end of the hallway. "And this," Darren said as he opened the door for me," is the master bedroom" he finished while looking at me with a smirk on his face. I gasped. It was so BIG! There was a large glass sliding door with curtains to the sides of it and outside of it was a large terrace. The bed was the biggest and softest thing I've ever seen. How could anyone ever even afford this?!?! "Darren and I also sleep here" Alex added as he fell onto the bed and Darren fell next to him. "Together?" I asked. "Well yeah. We're close, we've been close since we were little" Alex replied. I raised an eyebrow. "NOT LIKE THAT!" Alex yelled and face palmed. Darren cringed. "It's because you act gay" Darren joked as he shoved Alex. "I act gay? Says the one who loves shopping" Alex replied. I shook my head in amusement. "Sorry to burst your bubble but, if I'm going to be staying here, where will I sleep?" I asked. Wow that sounded more bitchy than I thought it would. "" Darren said as he winked. WTF HE WINKED. I immediately blushed. "Um I hope your joking" I squeaked while trying to get over how attractive I found Darren. Alex sighed and hit Darren as he got up and walked over to me. "Of course he is, come on I'll show you to your room" Alex said as he lead me to a room closest to theirs. Hmm. We walked in and it didn't look as nice as the master room but it was still beautiful. Maybe that one looked better because the twins were in it. I immediately shook my head and cursed myself after that thought. God what are they doing to me? "I'll get you some of our clothes since you don't have any" Alex said. I was about to protest but he raised his hand. "This isn't up for debate" he smiled and walked off. I sighed and walked over to the bed. How did I let myself get here? I had been doing so good until these two walked into my life and turned it upside down. A few weeks ago I would've wanted them gone but now....I don't think I do. And to make things worse I'm lusting after two! But then again it didn't seem like they minded each time they BOTH kissed me in the office. I groaned in frustration. He was right. I have become a slut. Tears streamed down my face. I felt myself shake with each sob. Everything he did to me left a mark. Whether it is visible or not, I'll always be screwed up. I heard footsteps and immediately forced myself to stop crying then wiped my face. Darren walked in without a shirt. I quickly looked away. He walked over to me and frowned when he saw my face. "Rose?" I didn't reply. "Rose look at me" he told me but I still looked away. He pulled by face up to look at him and his stern face softened when he saw my tears. He wiped away the ones that fell. I tried to avoid his eyes but somehow those blue orbs caught my attention. "Don't hide yourself from me" he whispered, his hot breath felt on my lips. Oh how bad I wanted to kiss him. He must've felt the same because he leaned in. And I didn't fight it. His kiss was warm and rough, but not too much, just perfect. He laid one hand on my back and another on my cheek but before either of us could deepen the kiss, Alex walked in. I pushed Darren away from me and cleared my throat, as did he. "Oh don't mind me. Just a little left out but it's ok" Alex said as he set clothes next to me. I apologized. "Oh it's really ok. I'll be expecting my turn soon though" he smirked and I blushed. I don't recall them being so flirty in the office. *flashbacks of them smacking my ass and checking me out as well as make out sessions* oh wait nvm. "Well it's really late and I've got to change so goodnight I'll see you two in the morning!" I told them as I shoved them outta the room and closed the door. I felt bad for being so rude so I quickly opened the doors. "Um....thank you" I told them and saw their adorable smiles before I went back into the room. I changed into the clothes. It seemed like they belonged to Alex since they smelled like him. How creepy I sound, smelling people's clothes. I put on the shirt and boxers which were obviously too big for me. I smiled to myself and jumped in shock. Wow, I haven't smiled in forever. I scoffed at myself because of how depressing that sounds. The bathroom door startled me as it swung open and Darren and Alex walked into the room in only boxers. I covered my eyes and screeched. "What are you doing!" I yelled, feeling embarrassed. "What does it look like? Sleeping. Now shush" Darren said as he threw me onto the bed. I didn't have time to react as Alex turned off the lights and they both laid on my left and right. Darren laid on his stomach with his arm laid over my waist and Alex laid on his back with an arm under my neck/head. "This is highly inappropriate" I told them and wiggled around. Both their arms tightened. "Shush. Go to sleep" Alex said as he kissed my head and basically knocked out right away. Darren had already been quietly snoring but woke to kiss me as well and went back to sleep. I didn't even protest when I realized how tired I was and how much I didn't want to leave this spot. I soon dozed off as well.

Alie-Did their relationship move too quickly in this chapter? I know that if it goes too quickly it's annoying but if it moves too slowly then it's annoying so I'm trying to find the right speed. I found a song to inspire me to write which is good since I haven't written in forever. Btw I love your guys comments on any of my stories they give me life <3 Until next chapter, comment vote or follow do as you please. I love hearing your opinions so don't be scared to voice them! And if you read any of my other stories I'll be updating those soon as well. ^~^

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