Part Føurteen

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His immediate reflex was to pull Tyler closer to him. The tinted window of the black SUV rolled down as the door swung open. Thomas smiled as he pointed his gun towards Tyler's immobilized body.

"Get in or I shoot."

Josh swallowed hard, feeling as if a lump was stuck in his throat and that's when he made the decision to get inside the car. That's when his nightmare began.

Tyler was resting gently on the seat next to him, head resting subconsciously on Josh's shoulder. It was sweet; that moment was precious and Josh was going to cherish it because who knew if it'd be their last? Thomas turned his head and smiled at the two boys who sat backseat.

"Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here isn't it? I've been looking for you boys over the last few weeks. How's the kidney, Josh? Surprise you're still alive."

Josh bit his tongue, chewed the inside of his cheek, hell he even nearly pulled a thin layer of skin off of his bottom lip; anything to keep his words from spilling out into the atmosphere. The sight alone of this man was enough to make him sick; he'd be throwing up right now, no doubt about it, that is if he had anything in his stomach to vomit.

Thomas's cold look made Josh shiver, he grabbed Tyler's hand and squeezed it which brought him some reassurance. Even if Tyler wasn't there, mentally he was gone long, long ago, but he still had him physically. It was maybe just enough to make it all seem better; to hold his hand because there was a psychopath who had them at gun point and Tyler was furious towards him.

The car stopped moving and Josh's heart skipped a beat, he felt anxiety rise from the pit of his stomach balling in his throat. Thomas moved forward, grabbing some cable ties and tying Josh's hands together, ripping them violently away from Tyler's. He didn't say a word. Once Tyler's hands were tied, Thomas pointed the gun towards them once more.

"Get out."

Josh didn't hesitate, scared for Tyler's life more than his own, so he exited the vehicle. He turned around to carry Tyler but Gabriel grabbed both his arms, pulling him back.

"Hey! Let me go!"

The second bodyguard Josh had seen in the motel walked out of the house they were parked at. Josh looked around, they were nearly stranded in the middle of nowhere. They were at a large prairie house surrounded by empty fields of corn with what appeared to be a farm miles down the road.

"Adam will take care of Tyler, don't you worry about that."

Adam grabbed Tyler and violently pulled him out the car, dragging him towards the house. Gabriel nudged for Josh to move forward and he complied, shaking with fear. Walking inside the home was both terrifying and wonderful. Josh was hit with this smell, the kind that triggered his childhood nostalgia.

Josh: 18 years ago (age 9)

"Grandma, can I pour the eggs in yet?"

"Soon, Josh, give me a few more minutes."

Josh waited patiently before pouring the eggs in the cookie dough, smiling as he did. He tried hard not to make a mess but he still manage to pour a few drops of milk onto the floor as he tried to pour himself a glass for later.

"I'm sorry, grandma..."

"It's okay, don't worry about it, Josh."

Josh's grandmother bent down and cleaned up the few drops of milk that fell onto the floor. She watched him as he balled up the dough which he then placed on the pan. She opened the oven doors and Josh carefully placed the pan of raw cookies inside and set a timer. They waited for their treats to bake while sitting at the dining table, playing a game of dominos.

I Fancy The Singer (Book 1 // Joshler)Where stories live. Discover now