Grand Magic Games Reborn Part 1

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Nashi's POV
I was sitting next to my fathers bed as he is slowly fading away. My father Is Natsu Dragneel he was in love with my mother Lucy Heartfilla but she died when I was only a child.

Because my father is a Dragon Slayer and my mother was his mate he can't live long without her but for some reason he is still breathing, know one knows why because he should be dead right now.

"Nashi, Master has an announcement" my twin brother Igneel said, I nodded at him and got up walking out so I could find out what Master wants.

"Listen up brats! The Grand Magic Games are back and we are joining. The rules are different, instead of a team of 5 it's a team of 7 and a reserves team of 5. The members for Team A are...Nashi Dragneel, Igneel Dragneel, Storm Fullbuster, Ryujj Redfox, Gale Redfox, Nova Dreyar and Reiki Fernendez. The members for the Reserves Team are Rin Fullbuster, Syliva Fullbuster, Rosemary Fernendez, Wendy Marvel and Romeo Conbolt. That is all the Grand Magic Games are in a week so train and fight well" he said and walked off.

I walked over to my partner/best friend/crush Storm Fullbuster "Hey Storm, we are on the team together" I said as I sat down across from him "Yeah I guess we are" he replied back giving me his adorable smile making me blush.

"Hey guys shouldn't we go train"yelled Gale my best friend "Of course let's go"I yelled back. We gathered Team A and the Reserves Team.

"So what do we do first"I asked looking around the small circle we created as we sat down "Um...I don't know maybe we should run laps"Igneel replied as he tapped he's chin with his finger.

-------Three Hours Later-------

"I'm *Puff* tired *Puff* lets *Puff* go *Puff* home" I puffed out feeling the full effects of training.

"Ok let's go"my brother said as he put my mums keys on his belt, because he can not only use Dragon Slayer magic but Celestial magic, just like my mum.

We walked home together...well more like Igneel gave me a piggy back ride home. He probably broke his back from carrying me.

We arrived at our house and walked in, me going straight to the kitchen to make dinner. When dinner was done we sat at the table in silence.

We had nothing to talk about without our loud father and our crazy mother. I missed her a lot, sometimes I have dreams of her but there dreams of when I'm older and I have my own kids. The dreams feel real to me and with those dreams I hold onto the slim chance my mother is still alive.

We finished dinner and I cleaned the mess up. As soon as I was done, I had a shower, got dressed in pjs and went to sleep.

All my thoughts focused on my mother and the odd dreams I get when I close my eyes.

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