Chapter 3

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I walk back to the Ravenclaw common room after the last class of the day. Damn I hate history of magic, but I want to get a large variety of NEWTS, so I try to suck it up as best I can. I round a corner and literally walk into my least favorite person.

"Watch where you're going mudblood," Draco sneers.

"Why the fuck did you tell Goyle?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

"What?" he asks.

"About last night," I say.

"Well, I just thought he might want to know who the sluts are," he laughs.

"If you were going to tell your pathetic little follower everything, then why did you tell me to keep it on the down low?" I snap, beginning losing my temper.

"Is it really relevant, mudblood?"

"Don't call me that!" I growl. If there's one thing every guy should know, it's never to mess with an angry girl. Too bad Draco doesn't know that, or he might have shut up by now.

"What, a mudblood?"

"Yes that!" I scream, my temper rising with every passing second.


"Okay, well bye," I say.



"Get out of my way," he says, pushing past me and continuing down the hall.
I keep walking towards the common room, all the while thinking about how stupid I've been.


The entrance swings open, and I climb into the navy and bronze common room. I spot Lucy in a corner talking to some chick named Marnie. I scan the room, but can't find anyone else I know very well, so I end up laying back on a soft navy sofa with decorative bronze trim. I prop my feet up and close my eyes, forgetting for a moment the nightmare that is my life.

"What's up?"

"Shut up Thomas," I say, "I'm trying to pretend I'm dead."

"Why? It's not like your life is that bad, I mean, you could have had your hand turned into a rabbit or something," he points out.

I snort, "If only."

"Well, little miss sassy pants, shall I leave you to your own devices, or do you seek my enlightening company?"

"Ha ha ha," I laugh sarcastically, "Well in case you're wondering I have absolutely nothing to do, and I could really use a break from everything."

"Not sure how much I can help you on that end, but how about this. We can go up to my dormitory and chat for a bit."

"Um, I don't know," I say, "what with everyone thinking I sleep around, I'm not sure if it's too smart to be caught going up to the boys dormitory, if you know what I mean."

"Oh, okay," he says, disappointed, "suit yourself. Goodnight."


He walks up the stairs and disappears from sight. What was that all about?
I re-ajust my position on the cozy couch and stare at the painted ceiling. The painting depicts a bunch of fat cherubs flying alongside a long silver dragon, it's massive head facing down towards me. I close my eyes and try to imagine a world without Draco, Goyle, Pete, and everybody else I hate. No such luck. What these assholes have inflicted upon me is a wound far too deep to heal. Yet.

"Are you asleep?"

My eyes snap open. The boy standing over me is beautiful. His chocolate brown hair is swept messily to the side, and his bright, piercing green eyes search my face. His featured are soft but yet defined and his broad complexion is absolutely perfect.
He stares at me, and manage to stammer no.

"Oh, well I guess that's a little bit of a stupid question now," he says, his face flushing pink, "I'm Lucas."

"Riley," I say.

There is a silence, not an awkward silence, just a normal moment when neither of us has something to say.

Apparently the silence is awkward for Lucas though, because he quickly sits down beside my feet on the other end of the couch. I move my feet in and sit up, patting the seat beside me. He moves over, and I can feel his arm just centimeters away from my own.

"So," he says, obviously not knowing what to say, "you and Draco huh?"

The little shit! Coming over here to mock me about one night of disaster! Well he can just fuck off because I sure ain't telling him about it!

I'm assuming my facial expression said most of what I was thinking out loud because he immediately starts to apologize.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean it like that!" he says, talking at a hundred miles a minute, "I just - I, I'm sorry, I just didn't know what to say, shit I'm such an idiot! I was just wondering if you guys are an item, that's all."

"Woah," I say, "slow down. It's fine, you didn't mean it, whatever. We are definitely not an item, and trust me, I think we both regret that night."

"Oh, so you're single?" he asks.

This time it's me who blushes, "Yeah, I g-guess so."

"In that case," he says, gaining confidence by the second, "will you go out with me?"

I want to scream 'YES!' but the part of my brain that isn't freaking out manages to control my mouth.

"Sure," I reply, desperately trying to keep my cool.

"Great!" Lucas says enthusiastically, "Well, talk to you later!" And with that he gets up and goes into the boys dormitory leaving me awe struck at how fast that escalated.

He asked you out!!!!! Oh my fucking god, that cute, and not to mention nice, guy just asked you out!!!

My stomach does backflips as I get up and go to my own dormitory. In my mind I mull over the perfect couple name for us because I'm a fangirl like that. I continue to think about my new boyfriend as I strip down to go to bed. I fall asleep as soon as my head full of happy thoughts hits the pillow.

Hey guys, so I'd just like to say I'M SORRY THIS UPDATE TOOK SO LONG!!! *cries tears of sadness* it just completely slipped my mind, and I honestly forgot about it *gasps in horror* I know, I'm sorry, but anyways, the next update should be coming soon to own on DVD (no it's not but I just had to add that. Also, does anyone else remember when they would always say that on VCR movies?) Anyways, the next update should be soon and don't forget to comment, vote, maybe even fan??? Ilysm!!!❤❤❤


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