Chapter 7

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"Do you know what the third ingredient in the draught of the living dead is?" Lucy asks, her shoulders hunched over an hour worth of potions homework.

"Don't know," I say, leaning back onto my bed, "Don't care."

"Well you should know if you actually paid attention in potions," Lucy says, shooting me a glare, "But I suppose you're too busy staring at Draco."

"Yeah, well maybe I would pay attention if we actually did anything worth listening to," I snap back.

"Can you just shut up?" Lucy screams, "You're not the only one with problems you know!"

"Lucy, what the hell?"

"It's just, Blake isn't really like he was before," she sniffles, "I don't really think he likes me as much as he did before."

"What makes you say that?" I ask, sitting down on her bed beside her.

"It's just, I feel like he's always complementing other girls and never me," she says, tossing her homework on the floor, "like today at dinner, he complemented you for your comeback with Pansy, or just yesterday he told Marnie that her hair looked really good, and today when I tried really hard to look nice he didn't even notice."

"Lucy, don't be ridiculous," I say, pulling her into a hug, "he was probably just saying those things to be nice, and besides, whenever someone trashes Pansy everyone's happy. I wouldn't take him complementing me as a big deal."

"I guess you're right," she sighs, giving a loathing glare at her unfinished homework, "I'm probably just stressed and tired. I think I'll go to bed now."

"Alright," I say, returning to my own bed, "Goodnight."

Lucy changes quickly into her pajamas and pulls her hangings shut. After a couple of minutes I can hear her heavy breathing and know she's asleep.

I slide my legs off my bed and go into the washroom to brush my teeth and take off my makeup. I walk back into the bedroom, change into a tank top and lie down on my bed with the hangings shut.

I lie on my bed thinking about Draco. I still can't believe of all people to be with, he chose me. I don't know how this is going to turn out, seeing as I'm a mudblood and his parents obviously won't approve, but we don't have to sort that out now. I yawn and roll over onto my side, falling asleep in a matter of minutes.

Draco's POV
I lie on my bed, finally giving up the faint pretense of sleep I had when Blaise tried to talk. I put my hands behind my head and look up at my dark green hangings.

My thoughts travel to Riley and I smile even at the thought of her. I can hardly believe she's fallen for me even though I'm a dickhead Slytherin. I don't even know how this is going to work, seeing as she's a mudblood with muggle foster parents, but I try not to think of that now.

I'll talk to her tomorrow.

I relax my body against the warm mattress and finally manage to fall asleep.

I wake up and go down the stairs to the common room, and for some reason there's no one else there. Not even Parkinson, which is weird seeing as she takes any opportunity she can to try to get with me. I walk to one of the chairs and sit down, resting my feet on the small nightstand-ish table. I feel someone's hand on my shoulder and I turn around to find Riley there wearing a short black v-neck dress. She walks around the chair and sits in my lap, causing her dress to expose most of her butt. She kisses me, but it doesn't feel right I break away and suddenly I'm staring into the eyes of Bellatrix Lestrange.

"Going after mudbloods I see," she laughs, "this should teach you a lesson. Avada Kedavra!"

I sit up in my bed, already wide awake, covered in a cool sheen of sweat and my douvet is tangled at my feet. I get up and decide to take a shower grabbing my towel from my trunk I remove my clothes and wander into the bathroom, towel around my waist. I turn on the shower, making it steaming hot, and step in. I feel my body relax as the burning jets of water massage my back.

Twenty minutes later, I exit the bathroom and check my clock. It reads five thirty-nine, and I decide to go to the common room.

What the hell, it's not like I'm going to get back to sleep.

I creep down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone. I make my way to the same chair I sat on in my dream and plunk down, resting my feet on the same table.

I think back to the dream. The first part, well hell yes, but the second part has me shaken. I know it's only a dream, but that's definitely what would happen if Voldemort found out about us. I have to talk to Riley about keeping us a secret. No one can know. No one.

I lean back against the chair and look up at the painted ceiling, hoping that maybe Riley will come like she did in my dream.

Riley's POV
I roll over in my bed, trying to fall back asleep. Obviously I know it's hopeless, but there's nothing else to do at six in the morning. My legs swing out of my sheets and I put on my robes before heading down to the common room.

My thoughts turn to Draco and I can't help but realize how unlikely we are. Out of all the girls in this school he chose me. A mudblood to be precise.
That's when I realize how much danger I've put him in. Even if he isn't a death eater his parents will definitely not approve of us, or more specifically me. I wonder if he's even told his friends about us.

Then i realize, in his world, no one can know. He's going to have to keep me a secret, and I him. The realization hits me like a bullet to the chest. I don't think I love him yet, but I care about him enough to hate the fact that our relationship is going to be a secret, possibly forever.

But no secret can be kept forever. One day we'll want to settle down, get married. If it's a secret we'll never be able to do that. We'll have to move on, try to forget. Right now I don't think I can do that. In fact right now I don't think I could ever do that.

Heyyy, so this chapter is shorter than usual just because I was just writing a slightly emotional scene, so I was like might as well stop here. Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story and ya. I love you all so much!!
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