4- Because He Was Black

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"Mr. Williams, can you please describe to the judge and jury, the events leading up to the death of your husband?" My lawyer questioned, causing all eyes in the courtroom to focus on me.

"He didn't just die of natural causes," I snapped emotionally. "He was murdered." I finished as another army of tears cascaded down my face. I used the snotty tissue in my hands to wipe away the eye sweat before looking down and fiddling with my fingers. The feeling of wanting to be anywhere but in this courtroom was prominent, along with the trauma of watching a loved one breathe their last breath.

"My apologies, Mr. Williams. Can you please describe to the judge and jury the events leading up to the murder of your husband?" My lawyer corrected with reassuring eyes. He was trying to convey to me that we would be able to win this case, for Xavier, but my doubt made me think otherwise. I sighed before nodding solemnly.

"The day started out like any other day..."


I had just finished frying the bacon for Xavier's and my breakfast.

It was Xavier's birthday, and instead of making a big deal out of it, Xavier had requested to just spend his time with me. It warmed my heart to hear that, and I immediately agreed, seeing that it was also both of our day off. I wanted to shower him in as much love and affection as possible since today was so special, and I'd most likely be hauled up at work tomorrow. Today was going to be all about him, and I had no problem with that.

I grinned as I heard heavy footsteps descending the staircase. Xavier was awake, and most likely hungover since he had gone drinking with his buddies last night. I stared at him for a couple of seconds once he made his way to the kitchen and leaned against the doorway.

Xavier was a handsome, African-American man. He was tall, standing at nearly six feet with muscles of a football player. He had long black dreadlocks and cleaned facial hair that made him look so sexy. He was the total opposite of me. I was the average Caucasian male. I had the cliché blue eyes and blonde hair, which always made me question what Xavier saw in me. Whenever I asked, he always replied that he loved me just the way I was, clichés and all. Maybe that's why we've been together for ten years.

After I was done my ogling, I greeted him at the kitchen's entrance with a quick kiss. He groaned, wordlessly complaining that the kiss was too short, before holding me close and giving me a kiss that had my toes curling. Once our quick make-out session was done, I grinned as I looked into his hazel eyes.

"Happy birthday, Honey." I beamed. Despite the headache I knew he had, Xavier chuckled as he looked down into my blue eyes. I was only 5'5," which was a total munchkin compared to him.

"Thank you, My Love. Is this breakfast all for me?" He asked teasingly as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I giggled before kissing his cheek and dragging him to take a seat at the table.

"I have no doubt that you can eat this entire meal by yourself, but one-third of it is for me." I replied as I took a seat across from him. He laughed before handing me an empty plate.

"Then you better dig in. It could all be gone in a flash." He said with a wink before filling his plate with French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs, sausage, and strawberries. I was no longer shocked by how much food Xavier could consume. Being with the man for ten years, I had long since concluded that he was part pig. I shared some food of my own, starting with only the eggs and bacon.

"Anything particular in mind you want to do today, Xav?" I asked once I had finished chewing a crisp piece of bacon. I didn't mean to brag, but I was a hell of a cook.

"There's a new amusement park that opened up a couple of months ago. I've been meaning to take you there with me, but we've both never been off on the same day. Today seems like a good day as any to be childish for a while." He responded.

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