7 - An Eye For An Eye

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.:Author's Note:.

This one shot idea would not come out of my head until I wrote it down. It definitely isn't a traditional werewolf tale, and I have no idea where it even came from, but I hope you like it. ☺️

Sorry if you don't. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Basil's POV:

"We're being surrounded!" My mother sent through our mind link in panic, making me jump awake instantly. "Basil, protect your siblings!"

I scrambled from the bear lining cave floor to shake Cecilia and Gavin awake. As expected, they tried swatting me away, but this was no time for foolishness. I could hear as thunderous paws made their way in our direction, and they were getting closer with each second that passed.

"Wake up, now! Mom is in trouble." I said, finally snapping them out of their sleepy state.

"What?! Where is he?" Cecilia asked frantically, throwing the bear skin off of her body. Gavin did the same before we all ran to the entrance of the cave.

Mom was a distance away, crouching in wolf form, ready to attack anyone that came too close to our home. I shifted, along with Gavin and Cecilia before we all spread out.

This wasn't our first rodeo. Packs have tried and failed to destroy our small family just for the simple fact that we were rogues. I thought it was unfair since we've never tried to harm anyone, we just didn't like to be under the restriction of pack rules. Truthfully, not many people did, but they were too afraid to admit it; except for my family.

Mom snarled lowly as the first pack wolf breached the trees protecting our cave. It wasn't long before his comrades made an appearance causing my siblings and me to snarl just as lowly. From their scents, I could tell this wasn't a pack we've encountered before. A new pack must've moved into the land beside ours and we mustn't have noticed.

We stood back as we watched them come in numbers. Whenever we were being surrounded, we never attacked first. It was a tactic that dad used to say would get us killed. He told us to wait until they made the first move because they always ended up making the same mistake as well. However, this time, instead of someone attacking, one of the warriors shifted.

"Rogues, we have been watching you for a while, and we see that you have not tried to harm any of the surrounding packs." She stated. "Our alpha would like to offer you proper shelter on our land."

Mom shifted moments later, and I could hear as the wolves around us gasped. Could wolves even gasp? All I knew was that they were all stunned by how gorgeous he was. Even I could admit that my mother was a beauty.

"That is very kind, but my pups and I are just fine living out here in this cave." Mom said in a soft tone. It was a total one-eighty from the vicious snarls he was releasing moments ago. "Tell your alpha that we appreciate the offer, but we have to decline."

"We were given strict orders to either bring you to our land or wipe you out." The warrior responded, making my mother, as well as I, stiffen.

"Why? You just said you've been watching us and we haven't tried to hurt anyone. We don't want to hurt anyone!"

"Alpha doesn't take any chances, and he believes that you can still be a threat."

"I'll give you a threat. Stay away from me and my pups." Mom snapped before shifting and lunging at a nearby wolf. I wasted no time doing the same, and neither did Cecilia or Gavin.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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