6- A Werewolf in Distress

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.:Author's Note:.

-For my "His Reject" fans!

-Seventeen year old Ozzy at the top.

-There is a lot of teen angst in this prompt.


Ozzy's POV:

I brought the spliff up to my lips, inhaling the ever so wonderful smoke of weed. It burned my lungs slightly, but I didn't care as the fumes numbed my brain. I held onto it for as long as possible, before coughing as the smoke came back out through my nose.

"Dude, that was fucking awesome!" My best friend, Jake, exclaimed as he received the spliff since he was next in the circle. I shrugged, too disorganized to formulate a proper response. We (Jake, me, and three of my other friends) have been smoking in the woods for the past half hour.

We shouldn't have been, in fear that we would get caught by our pack's hunting and tracking team, but our brains were too fried at the moment to care. Normal weed wouldn't have affected us werewolves, but with the right amount of wolf's bane, it could efficiently send us to our graves. I personally didn't give a fuck.

Jake passed the spliff around after taking his drag. I watched, half-assed, as he attempted to do tricks with the smoke he had, but he was only wasting the drug. Before I could chew his ass out about it, five wolves emerged out of the woods and into the clearing, growling at me and my group of friends.

"Took you guys long enough!" I said loudly as I hazily pointed at one of the wolves' snout. "We've been smoking for the past thirty minutes. Pa really needs to get better trackers." I continued with no care as I laughed. One of the wolves shifted, and in my fried mind, I noted that it was Uncle Jelani.

He was frowning as he shook his head at me. Fuck him!

"The fuck are you shaking your head for, old man?" I questioned. Unlike my friends, I didn't give a fuck about status in this fucking pack. Everyone was on the same level as me in my head.

"Your parents are going to be furious. Get up now, Oscar!" Jelani demanded, but I only laughed some more.

"Fuck my parents!" I stated as I grabbed the spliff from my friend's fingers. Before I could put it to my lips, Jelani knocked it from my hand and stepped on it with his bare foot.

"What the fuck, man? That was a perfectly good spliff."

"I'm not going to tell you again. Get the hell up, Oscar!"

I stubbornly sat where I was while my friends looked at me nervously. It was the first time we had ever gotten caught, and they didn't know how to react. I didn't give a fuck. Unfortunately for me, my friends stood up, shifting and following behind the wolves that came with Jelani. I wasn't going to go that easily.

I shook my mane of blonde hair so that it covered my forehead. I then, challenging, raised my hypnotizing blue eyes to glare into Jelani's disappointed ones. Instead of fighting me like a normal Beta would, he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. Fuck, I gave in easily.

I was too high at the moment to actually fight, so instead I watched the grass as Jelani delivered me to my house. It took thirty minutes since he hadn't shifted into his wolf, and by then, I was already coming down from my high.

The first thing that greeted me as he let me stand on my own two feet, was my parents. Mom fussed over me as he quickly stepped closer to check my body for any injuries.

"What the hell happened?" Pa asked Jelani.

"Ozzy here was in the woods smoking weed." Jelani snitched, causing me to glare at him. Mom stopped his fussing to sniff me. Instantly, he recoiled, clenching his pregnant belly and putting a hand over his nose and mouth. He took a step back in order not to throw up before burying his face into Pa's side.

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