Chapter 1

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I was furious, and lost. The place was a maze and I didn't think I would ever find my way to my room or anywhere else for that matter.

My mother had just told me that the incompetent shadowhunters that were helping us move had somehow misplaced the majority of our belongings. How did that even happen?

I groaned as I turned another corner and ended up in a hallway I had been in five minutes ago.

"Are you lost?" An amused voice asked. Just my luck. I turned to notice a blond boy leaning in the doorway of one of the rooms.

"I'm fine," I lied and started to walk past him down the hallway.

"You've walked this hallway three times now," he kept talking as I kept walking. He grabbed my arm. "Just admit it, Clarissa, you're lost."

I pulled my arm from his grasp. "It's Clary," I told him. No one called me Clarissa, not anymore. "And I'm not lost!" Sure, I wanted to get back to my room and unpack the small amount of belongings I actually had at the moment but I wasn't desperate enough to let Jace Herondale be the one who led me there. "Even if I was I sure as hell don't need your help, Jonathan."

Jace narrowed his eyes but before he could bark back some snarky comment, a voice sounded from the end of the hall.

"Clary! There you are!" I turned to the dark haired girl making her way towards us.

"I don't appreciate you telling people how much I hate my name, Isabelle," Jace groaned, annoyed.

"Yeah, well I don't appreciate you trying to hook up with my parabatai either," Izzy retorted back.

"I was only trying to help her make sense of the institute." Jace shrugged.

Izzy rolled her eyes. "Whatever, come on, Clary." I was glad when she pulled me away from the Herondale. I had only met him about three times previously, but that had been more than enough to instill a fierce hatred within me.

"Okay," Izzy started talking again as we reached my room. "Did Jace really rile you up that much? I can feel your anger pulsing through our bond."

Izzy and I were parabatai. Our relationship transcended friendship, even sisterhood. She meant more to me than anyone. We were bonded together for life.

"Jace is already an afterthought," I told her. "My mom told me that our belongings were misplaced. Everything's gone! All I have is what's with me in my backpack."

My parabatai was silent for a moment before breaking out in laughter. "Only you, Clary. This would only happen to you." I crossed my arms and glared at her. This wasn't funny. "Okay fine, I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."

"Thanks, Izzy." I didn't particularly want to wear Izzy's clothes. They weren't really my style but it was better than nothing.

"What are parabatai for?" She smiled before entering her room which was right across the hall from mine.

I turned and went into my own room. I dumped the contents of my backpack onto my bed. There were only a measly amount of belongs. My stele, drawing pad and pencils, one seraph blade, and other useless odds and ends. Then, under my drawing pad I found a picture frame.

The picture was of a happy family of four, taken not more than two months ago. I felt tears welling in my eyes and I stared at my father.

"Clary?" Izzy's voice questioned from the doorway. I hastily set the picture frame down on the bedside table and used my hand to wipe the tears from my eyes.

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