Chapter 31

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My mom kept her promise and talked to Maryse. The head of the institute reluctantly released us from house arrest but told us if we went anywhere near those bars again we would not see the light of day for a month.

Even without me, my mother still had to leave. She had business with the Idris Ascended to attend to. She told me she would be back soon and to send her a fire message if anything happened.

Magnus came and went but not before speaking to the four of us about what our next move was going to be. Jonathan and Sebastian were still cloaked, he couldn't find them by spell. Whatever spell Damian had done it had lasted after his death.

"There's something else," the warlock said. He looked directly at me. "Clary, I believe I know at least part of the reason Jonathan killed your father."

My attention was fully focused on Magnus. I had longed to know this for so long all I had known was that Jonathan had done it now I was finally going to know why.

"I went to the house and checked it out. In the basement I found Damian's 'lair' as you could call it. There was another alter set up down there," Magnus explained. "I found blood. Your father's blood, Clary. I believe that Damian needed the blood of your father to control Sebastian and coincidentally you."

The only reason my father had been murdered was so that Jonathan could get some blood from him? No that couldn't be it, there had to be another reason. "Thank you, Magnus," I said. The gears were still turning in my head. Why else would Jonathan want to kill my father?

"What about the other alter? The one in the living room?" Alec questioned. "Damian did a spell right in front of us. Do you know what it was?"

Magnus shook his head. "Sadly, no. The alter was mostly destroyed in the fight it seems. You said Sebastian's blood was used? Probably a spell to do with blood magic. With Damian's death it should have been reverted but Clary you should be careful nonetheless."

I nodded as Izzy spoke. "What's going to be our next move? Jonathan's planning something big. We have to stop him before his plan goes through."

"I don't know what we can do," I told her. "We were only able to find them last time because of Sebastian." I hated to even think it but we were probably going to have to wait until Jonathan made his next move.

"This whole thing feels like a ticking time bomb," Jace said. "At any second Jonathan could unleash his plan. Time is of the essence."

"What about the downworlders?" Izzy questioned. "They may not be our biggest fans at the moment but if they knew that the 'mundane' Damian had been bringing with him was a shadowhunter wouldn't they get upset?"

"And Camille's part of the plan, causing chaos," Alec inputted. "I'm sure they'd want to stop that. Who knows what's she going to do."

Magnus looked like he was thinking. "It's really a long shot but I can try. I'll probably be able to sic them on Camille at the very least. If they go on a hunting frenzy for Camille it's likely if she's found Jonathan."

There was suddenly a knock at the door and Maryse entered. She seemed surprised to see Magnus. "I didn't realize you were still here, Magnus," she said to the warlock.

"Alexander asked me to take a look at Jace's ankle, to see if there was anything I could do," Magnus seemed to say the first thing off his head.

"And can you?"

"Rest and relaxation will heal it in time," the warlock said. "Well I really must be going. Chairman Meow misses me greatly when I'm gone."

"I'll show you out," Alec said leading Magnus out of the room past his oblivious mother.

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