Chapter one

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Chapter one.  

Ice Princess

As I woke up on my ninth birthday I couldn't help but feel that something good was going to happen. And for once I was right.  

Something did happen, something that turned my whole life upside down.  

This something was a simple envelope that on the outside had my name in red ink. The letter inside was also written in red ink.

To ms. Minna Medin

I am happy to inform You that You have been accepted to the Northern Territory's school for wizards and witches.

The train will leave at 13:00 on the 24th of August from platform 99 on the Stockholm central station. You get there by tapping Your wand at the second ticketgate from the right on the highest floor of the station.

Yours sincerely  

Prof. Sofia Larsson 

Deputy headmistress

I kept staring at the paper in my hand for at least ten minutes before noticing that there was more of them. On the next page was a list of supplies needed.

For Your first year You will need following:

One wand 

Three sets of plain robes 

One dress gown 

One pair of protective gloves, preferably dragon hide 

One winter cloak

All student's clothes should carry name tags

One standard size 2 pewter cauldron 

One set of brass scales 

One set of glass or crystal phials 

One kit of basic potion ingredients  

One telescope

Course books 

All students should have a copy of each of the following books 

Magic creatures of the North by Christoffer Hallonen 

Arctic herbs and where to find them by Malin Herngren 

A history of magic by Bathilda Bagshot  

The standard book of spells (grade one) by Miranda Goshawk 

Theory of magic by Josiah Flemming 

Potions and drafts for beginners by Severus Snape 

Transfiguration level one by Sandra Forsberg 

Dark arts; defense for beginners by Tapio Perkkonen 

Runes by Erik Röde 

Navigation in mountain areas by Åke Vilse

Every student is allowed to bring TWO animals of their own choice 

When I had read the entire second paper I looked up at the woman who had delivered it. She gave me a warm smile and proceeded to explaining to my foster parents that I was going to a boarding school in just three days. They seemed happy enough to get rid of me, no big surprise there though.  

I guess being a witch didn't shock me that much, I had always been different from other people for a few reasons, for example I can change my appearance at will and read peoples minds, and trust me, if you'r an orphan it doesn't exactly make people want to be near you if you keep changing hair color as soon as you get angry. Luckily I taught myself to control that when I was three years old because I wanted people to like me. It was harder to learn how to tune out peoples thoughts, but eventually i stopped answering the questions people thought about.  

I was interrupted In my thinking as the short woman suddenly addressed me and after asking if I was ready tho leave at once ("what?, sure") and waiving a stick at my foster parents while muttering something that sounded like 'oblivat', or something like that, she pulled me out of the house and into the forest outside where she suddenly turned around and something made me feel like I was pulled through a very small pipe for a few seconds before appearing in a bustling alley with tons of shops.  

I was immediately flooded with the thoughts of hundred minds and had to concentrate for a few minutes before being able to block most of them out. 

It was only then I was fully able to see what was going or around me and what I saw made my chin drop to the ground.


This is kind of a fan fiction to hp, but it's set in Sweden so the characters names will be in Swedish or Finnish. Note, you will not find someone who is a replica of Harry Potter, however he may show up later in the story. Also, Minna goes to a school that takes in students from the age of nine, but she's the same age as Harry.

Ice Princess - a Harry Potter fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now