Chapter five

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Chapter five

Ice Princess


I didn't have time to answer that since Arrow started to flap his wings angrily at the cleric who asked me, or rather begged me, to leave the store and bring 'that Devil' with me.

I gladly obliged and the three of us stepped back out to the bustling street.


After finishing the rest of our shopping Freja led the way to a hotel that was somewhere in the middle of the street where we checked in and left my new school stuff. Then Freja told me she needed to go to the bank to get some more money for tomorrow. The simple fact that wizards have banks surprised me and I asked if I could join her. She said okay and I followed her to the far end of the alley.

What I saw pretty much made my chin drop to the ground.

In front of me was a huge marble building, completely white, with large bronze doors and guarding the doors were two...creatures... I didn't find any other word for them, they looked kind of like humans but were shorter than a meter with pointed ears, pointed faces and they had very long fingers and noses.

"Goblins, they run the bank."

I turned my head to Freja and saw her looking at the creatures, sorry, the goblins, with slight distaste.

When we passed the bronze doors me came upon an almost identical set of doors but in silver and with an inscription across them.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn

Must pay most dearly in return

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

"Who wrote the poem?"

Freja's response was a simple shrug of her shoulders before the silver doors opened.

Again I found myself with my chin halfway to the ground as we stepped inside the doors to a huge room with pillars and counters. There was also what looked like a hundred doors leading out of the big room to somewhere else, my guess was that they led to where the money was but I had no idea of how they managed to store the money. The building just seemed to small for that.

"I heard that the layout for the banks are the same in every place, and as far as I can tell it's the truth though I've only been to this one and the one in Diagon alley in London. They look almost completely the same, it's just that the one in London is al bit bigger over ground. This is by far the biggest one on terms of underground area."

"Underground? Is that where all those doors lead?"

"Right you are, and we'll be heading down there in a minute." she said with a smile as we stopped in front of one of the high desks where the goblins were seated.

"I am here to make a withdrawal from the Northern Territories." she told the goblin who sat by the desk counting money. He simply looked at us, gave me a nasty glare and asked for the key. After receiving it he told some random goblin to take us down. He led us to the furthest door and opened it to reveal a small four-seated cart on a track that led almost straight down in the ground. The ride down to the vault was exhilarating because I love rollercoasters, my foster parents before the last ones once took me to a theme park with their real daughter. That is the best memory of my life but they have me up shortly after because Ofelia, their daughter, thought I was scary.

After almost half an hour of endless turns and twists - and a loop - we finally stopped by a huge metal door with a big number 2 on it. The goblin took out the key and quickly unlocked the door before stepping in and sliding his finger down yet another door, slightly smaller than the first one. The second door opened to a long corridor with deep shelves on either side where I could see heaps of glittering gold, silver and bronze coins and further in I saw sparkling gemstones of every imaginable colour. Let's just say this place is seriously rich.

Freja took out a big pouch and began to fill it with the funny-looking coins while telling me their names and value.

"These small ones" she said as she showed me a few small bronze coins "are knuts. And these ones of silver are sickles, there goes twenty nine knuts to a sickle and seventeen sickles to a galleon. This is a galleon" And she held up a big golden coin to the light.

After collecting what she needed we headed back to the cart and up and out of the bank just in time to see the last rays of the setting sun. We immediately went back to the hotel and to our separate rooms. I fell onto my bed and entered my usual dream world.



Writers block+ went to Australia 4 a month and now school started so I dunno how long it'll be til the next upload:-/ I hope you liked this chappy and will keep reading.


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