An update!! Chapter nine:-)

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Chapter nine

Ice Princess



When I came back to the compartment Karin was nowhere to be seen, it was just Aly sitting in a corner.

"I suppose you told her."


Minna's POV

We sat in silence for the rest of the train ride. When the PA (Public Announcement system) announced that the train had arrived and for us to step out of the train and enter the waiting sleighs we did so without a word.

It kind of shocked me when we stepped out of the train and came face to face with "A blizzard!?!" Weren't we in the middle of summer a few hours ago?? Man this is confusing. I turned to look at Aly but she seemed to be every bit as confused as me and just gave me a puzzled look back.

Then I thought it might be a good idea to take a look around and noticed that the train had left and in its place was some forty dog sleighs with two seats in each. As Aly and I took a seat in the closest I saw Karin sit down in another with a red haired boy.

I kept looking around and noticed that no one around me looked older than ten or eleven years. Weird. I mean, I doubt we'll be able to learn everything we need to know in just two or three years.

The sudden movement of the sleighs brought me out of my thoughts. They were moving with remarkable speed (the sleighs dummy, not my thoughts:-P) through the thick curtain of falling snow. There was no way of seeing where we were going but the dogs seemed to know the way. How they knew is beyond me, I couldn't even see the sleigh in front of us...

One thing I did see when looking to my right however was a steep ravine a foot or so from us. I couldn't see the bottom or the other side which means it was deeper than three feet and wider than two...

"Mi. Are you aware that there's an edge beside us?" I heard Aly say, sounding terrified, but she wasn't looking at my side. Her eyes were glued at something on her side, to far away for me to see, my vision only went as far as to the edge of the sleigh.

"Umm, yeah. Please tell me you saw it on my side"

"No I can't even see that far, why?" She seemed pretty darn scared now, not that it surprised me, that girl has always had trouble with heights.

"I think we're moving on a five feet or so wide snow bridge, that's why."

Aand that's when Alyssa Gray fainted.


Hello my lovelies^.^ I know this it very slow and pretty short, but I haven't had that much time lately:-/ Christmas holiday starts in two weeks!! Though I prefer what I was doing last year around this time.. On Sunday it's exactly a year ago we went to Australia:-D I really want to go back:-)

What I was basically trying to say when I brought up Christmas was that I'll have more time on my hands and I might upload within a month this time:-)

An last but not least:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SOFIA!!! My lovely sister turns nineteen today!!

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