Chapter four

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Chapter four

Ice Princess


"No my dear, these wands were thought never to have a master, therefore it was decided they would not have a price. However it was also decided that IF the true master of any of the two came here and the wands responded to that witch or wizard, they would receive it, or maybe I should say them now, as a gift. So like I said, these wands do not have a price. They were sealed away by charms so that only their true master could find them. The answered to you, therefore they are yours." Mr. Hansson replied, smiling.

To be honest, I could've fainted right there and then but lucky for me I didn't.


I had lost count of how many times I had thanked mr. Hansson, by it was probably nearing fifty. I just couldn't realize that someone had actually given me something, and most of all, something of this value.

As Freja and I were leaving the store I kept thinking about the wands. Which isn't really a good idea to do as you're walking. The result? I walked straight into someone and both of us ended up on the ground.

"Watch where you'r going, what are you? Blind?"

From the voice I could tell it was a boy that I had accidentally knocked to the ground, and he wasn't too happy about it. When I looked up I found myself staring into a pair of rich brown eyes belonging to a boy about my age with short dark brown hair and a pissed off expression.

"It's your fault as well, you let me walk into you. And no, my eyes are perfectly fine." I answered. My first plan had been to apologize but he was so rude I couldn't care less and my hair and eyes got a red tinge.

"You'r weird, what's wrong with your hair?"

Before I could answer him we were approached by Freja who didn't notice the tension between us or my change in appearance. She simply grabbed my hand, told me not to get out of her sight again and proceeded to pulling me with her to yet another store. This store held various kinds of animals, everything from owls and eagles to toads.

As soon as I entered the store a large peregrine falcon flew down from the roof and landed on my shoulder. It was huge, at least three times the size of a normal peregrine. It seemed fully content with sitting on my shoulder but as soon as Freja approached me it started flapping its wings and making clear that no one was going to get close to me. I smiled to myself as Freja quickly backed off and made my way over to the cashier to pay for him, thinking so hard on what to name him that I didn't hear Freja ask me if I shouldn't get an other pet as well.

"Arrow!" I suddenly exclaimed.

"Arrow? What do you mean? I see no arrow." Freja kept looking around as if she was afraid someone would shoot her.

"That's what I'll name him!" I said while pointing at the bird in question.

" Oh, okay, but aren't you going to buy another pet as well?"

"Nah, I think Arrow will do for now. Who knows, I may find something later. I don't really like rats or toads and I don't need an owl when I have a peregrine, right."

"I guess you'r right"

With that I turned to the cleric to pay for Arrow, but as soon as he saw my animal of choice he kinda started shaking and stuttering. 'Wierd, did I do that?'

"A-are you re-really sure you want tha-tha-that one? No one ha-has ever been able to to-touch it, a few has tried b-b-but ended up wi-without fingertips o-or something li-like that. It could seriously harm you miss."

In the end his voice grew more confident, but now I knew why he had been so afraid in the first place.

He was terrified of Arrow.

"Yup, I'm 100 percent confident this is the one I want, how much does he cost?"

"Well, if you are sure, it'll cost five galleons and six sickles."

I was almost impressed with him for not stuttering, but he was still shaking pretty bad so it passed very quickly...

"Why do you call him 'it'? He's a live animal you know." I said as I handed him the money.

"Believe me, that's not an animal, it's the Devil."

I didn't have time to answer that since Arrow started to flap his wings angrily at the cleric who asked me, or rather begged me, to leave the store and bring 'that Devil' with me.

I gladly obliged and the three of us stepped back out to the bustling street.

Author's note:

Sorry this took so long, I've gotten an iPhone and it took a while before I got the notes from the iPod to said iPhone, combined with a pretty severe writers block. I've also decided to change a detail about her abilities. I changed the mind reading because it just made me confused. She can only read minds if she really focuses hard. I haven't changed this in the previous chapters yet, but I will soon.

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