Chapter 1

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Finally school again. It's not that I like school. Ew! I hate school. I'm just happy to see my friends again. I haven't seen Louis,Liam and Harry in quiet a while. I already start missing these idiots. In school we're always known as the 'cool guys'. Not that I complain. Everyone is scared of you and everyone respects you. Just perfect.

I stand up and head to the bathroom. I take a shower and do my hair in it's usual quiff. Then I put my boxers,a shirt with 'fuck you' on it and some black jeans. I ran down stairs and make me some cereals.

When I'm finished,I put the bowl in the sink. Taking my backpack I go out, swing my leg over my motorcycle and drive off. I arrive at school and park at my usual parking lot,where I already see Harry and Louis. Making out.

After they told me that they're together and I told them that I'm totally fine with it,they would make out all the time! It's getting on my nerves. I should've told them that I don't like gay people...but then I wouldn't like myself.

Yes,I'm gay,but no one needs to know. After my family found out,they disowned me and threw me out. They only pay everything important. My dads excactly words were 'You're disgusting! No one will ever love you! Don't you ever come back,before you find someone to marry,if that ever happens!'

But who cares what his father says right?

I get off of my bike and go over to Louis and Harry. They don't even realize that I'm right next to them! I clear my throat and they finally break up from the kiss.

"Hey Zayn" Louis immediately greets me "he mate" I greet back. Harry nods and tries to kiss Louis again. "Before you start sucking each others faces off again,did you see Liam some where?" I ask them and Harry points behind me,before attacking Louis' face again.

I turn around and Liam just comes over to me. "Hey bro!" I say,taking him in a hug. He chuckles,hugging back. Liam and I were always the closest. He's like a brother to me,always taking care of me.

"How were your holidays?" He asks first,as we walk to the school entrance. "Boring as always. Without you I had nothing to do,you know. How were yours?" I ask back,shrugging.

"Boring as well" Liam answers back. Out of no where a girl comes and attack Liam with kisses and Liam kisses back! I look at them shocked. Liam breaks up and grins at me. "My new Girlfriend. Zayn,this is Danielle,Danielle this is Zayn" Liam introduces us.

I nod at her with a small smile "Nice to meet you" I say,before turning to Liam. "Now that all of my friends are taken. I think I should learn what all these people actually do in these rooms they call classes." I chuckle and leave for my first class.

I go to my homeroom and sit on my usual seat. After the class is filled,the teacher also enters class,with a boy following her. Her wears sunglasses? And has a cane in his hand? Oh...he's blind!

The teacher sees me and frowns. "Mr.Malik? Are you okay?" she asks and I frown as well. "Yea,why?" I ask back. "It's the first time I see you actually coming in class before me" she chuckles.

"Ha-ha. My friends are all preoccupied. Might as well see what actually happens in these so called 'classes'" I grin back at her.

"Okay,well. We have a new student as you can see. He will be part of our class,but he will be doing different stuff,since he's blind. Niall,do you wnat to introduce yourself?" she asks him,as if he's a little child.

"I'm Niall Horan,I'm eighteen and I'm from Ireland" he says,sounding quite unsure. He has blonde dyed hair and wears braces. He looks quiet good might I add.

"Okay,Zayn,will you lead him to the seat next to you please?" Our teacher asks me. I say our teacher,because I never learned her name. I heard it so many times,but I keep forgetting it.

"It would be a honour to do so" I say,standing up. I put my hand on Niall's shoulder and lead him to his seat. Not talking as if he was a little child or something.

I sit him down and sit down next to him as well. "Hi I'm Zayn" I tell him,trying to make a conversation. "Nice to meet you" Niall mumbles,not turning to me. He's so shy... Let's change it!

Just as I was about to say something,the teacher interrupts me. "Zayn,I appreciate it,that you're trying to be nice and all,but still. No talking in my lessons!" she says sternly. I roll my eyes and lean back in my seat.

I turn to Niall and observe him. He looks concentrated on what he's doing. He's reading this thing. How was it called? I think Braille. That's so cool,I always found it fascinating. I think I found a new friend,I grin to myself.

If he wants it or not. I'm making him my friend. That's not only nice. It's also save that he won't get bullied,from the douchebags of our schools.




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Blind Love (Ziall  Horlik) //boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now