Chapter 2

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Kuroko started panting as he kept on running.

'You really do have low stamina!' observed Vepar.

'Oh really? I haven't noticed!' said Kuroko sarcastically.

'Anyway, Zepar should be on the next street to the left' stated Vepar changing her tone.

'Got it'

|with the GoM and Seirin|

"Jeez, he's fast!" said Kagami.

"No, he's just easy to lose track of," answered Akashi. "He went down this road,"

"How do you know where Kurokochii went?" asked Kise.

"I just know,"

They turned left onto a new street and saw Kuroko.

"Tetsuya what are you doing?" asked Akashi.

'Great! They showed up, it's just my luck.'

'If you had checked Oha-Asa today you would have seen that Aquarius has terrible luck with keeping secrets today,' stated Vepar.

'Are you Midorima-kun now?'

'You probably shouldn't leave you friends without answers,' said Vepar avoiding the question.

Kuroko came out of his thoughts and turned to face his team and the GoM.

"I am kind of busy now so if you guys could leave and come back later that would be great," Kuroko dead panned.

"You really are a bad liar Tetsuya. What are you doing?" asked Akashi again.

"I really can't talk right now Akashi-kun, I have to . . ." Kuroko was cut off by screams of a woman. The woman was running down the street towards Kuroko.

"Great! Just great!" Kuroko yelled. A figure turned the corner following the woman. The figure was wearing red knight's armor.

'Well that's him alright. I guess it already took control of the human, that's how he has a physical form right?' Kuroko asked Vepar.

'Yeah, he must have possessed the person who summoned him. They definitely were emotionally unstable because it seemed very easy for Zepar to take over.' stated Vepar.

'Well, it's time to take action. It's too late to try and get my friends to leave so there goes that secret.'

'Yes Suya-chan, let's begin.' replied Vepar.

Kuroko closed his eyes. He was enveloped in a pillar of water. As the waster disappeared he opened his eyes. He was now levitating and his appearance was different. He had gold eyes and a few scales on his arms and legs. Vepar was depicted as a mermaid so it made sense.

"What the . . ." muttered Aomine. "Tetsu, what is this?"

"I told you I'm busy!" snapped Kuroko. He didn't mean to be rude but if he didn't deal with Zepar, bad things would happen.
He ignored the gasps from his friends and took his wristbands off and summoning his throwing knives. He started to throw them, pinpointing the weaknesses in the armor.

'Yay Suya-chan!' shouted Vepar.

'Please be quiet.' said Kuroko.

'But it's okay, you are using my powers!'

'Yes but you never know when I might die,'

'Only you can say that that bluntly!' yelled Vepar.

Kurko threw one last knife into the last weak spot in the armor. Zepar was stuck, unable to move.

'If we summon a storm we might be able to rust the armor,' said Vepar.

'Okay' said Kuroko. He raised his hands and willed for a storm. Vepar used his powers and summoned a storm. They forced it onto Zepar and watched as the armor started to rust and fall off the host. The spirit of Zepar escaped and disappeared, back to the demon world, with a loud cry. Left behind was a man who was passed out on the ground. Kuroko returned back to his normal self and walked over to the passed out man.

'We better call an ambulance' said Kuroko. He took out his phone and called for an ambulance.

"Yes, he passed out in the middle of the road. It was probably because he was dehydrated. Please come as fast as you can thank you." said Kuroko. He hung up and came face to face with his teammates and the GoM.

"Kuro-chin, you know that the man didn't pass out right?" stated Murasakibara.

"Yes I do know that Murasakibara-kun."

"Then why did you lie?"

"Because it's for everyone's own good,"

"Tetsuya, I think it's for our own good to know what just happened." said Akashi.

"Fine! I guess you'll have to come home with me. My parents can explain this better than I can," sighed Kuroko.
He started walking home and everyone else followed.
They soon reached his house.

"Mother, Father, I'm home!" he yelled.

"Oh Tetsuya? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" questioned his mother. She then saw his teammates and the GoM.

"Oh," she said as she realized what was happening. "Well, all of you can come and sit down in the living room. I'll go get Kuroko's father," she said as she walked toward the stairs.
When his mother disappeared up the stairs, Kuroko sighed.

"This is a mess," he murmured.
A/N: I actually wrote an okay fight scene! Yay me!!! Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter!

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