Chapter 12

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Kuroko was devastated. He had to just sit their as his body went against his will and killed the people he held dear.

'This doesn't look good for you.' noted Vepar.

'Yeah I know. I feel so helpless like this! Do you feel this when I am just talking to you, Vepar?'

'Mostly yeah, I've gotten used to it but it sucks not being able to do anything. I knew that I was giving up that free roam when I joined you six years ago'

'I'm sorry' Kuroko sympathized.

'It's fine. You should be more focused on trying to stop this'

'How?! There is no way to get control, you said so yourself. I was commanded.'

'There is one way to gain control. It is very risky and I wouldn't suggest it unless it was out last resort, which it is.'

'What is it?!' asked Kuroko desperately.

'You'd have to give me control"

'What?' asked Kuroko confused.

'I would be the one in control. You still wouldn't be in control but you wouldn't be controlled by Abraxas. Basically, you become part demon'

Kuroko gasped. 'You're saying that part of you would become me?'

'Pretty much. You'll definitely not be the same even if you survive. I have to share my memories and they are a little, how do I put this, morbid and grotesque'

'I would rather suffer than my friends and family!' said Kuroko immediately.

'Are you sure? There is no going back from this,'

'I'm sure'

'Okay then, here we go'

Kuroko could feel it, he felt Vepar enter his mind and start to manipulate it. Kuroko's eyes widened as he saw Vepar's memories. He saw a family, they looked happy. He suspected that the boy was Vepar and the girl was his little sister. He never actually got to talk about how Vepar used to be human.

The Vepar and his sister grew up and soon he left. Kuroko realized that Vepar had joined the Navy. It showed a battle at sea and Vepar's ship he was assigned to being hit. He saw Vepar and other crew members trying to fix the leaks. His eyes started to well up when he saw that as the water filled up Vepar had taken out a picture of his little sister and was crying as he stared at it.  The water filled up to the top and Vepar took his last breath. Vepar's body floated alongside the picture. That picture was ingrained into Kuroko's mind.

Vepar had drowned. That was why he had the powers he has. Kuroko finally understood. He saw Vepar get confronted by Abraxas and gifted with the life of a demon. He saw how Vepar became the Vepar he knew. Vepar had wandered around for a few decades completely lost and depressed killing anything in sight. He was a ruthless killer who killed anyone who summoned him. Kuroko wanted to throw up when he saw how many ways Vepar had killed with just water. Vepar did this until he met Kuroko.

Kuroko watched that day six years ago, when he had first met Vepar. Vepar seemed so happy compared to when he was wandering. Kuroko had given him a third chance, a third life.

Kuroko was crying by the end of the memories.

'You survived it' said Vepar. 'Now let's see if I can get us back in control'

Whatever Vepar did it worked. He had control of Kuroko's body.

"Huh, haven't been in a physical form for a while," said Kuroko, but it was Vepar talking.

"What?! Tetsuya I commanded you!" yelled Abraxas. Abraxas paled, "you let your demon take over?! No, why did this happen?!?!"

'Kuroko, we have to fight Abraxas. Since Abraxas did a full takeover I think that there is a very limited chance that Akashi will survive'

'Well, let's think about the chance that he will survive. There is a small chance but it's enough'

Vepar understood. "Abraxas, you have to let Akashi go. His body is has been over-exerted and he is wasting away. Even the strongest hosts eventually die."

"Oh shut up! I can do anything I want and I want you to kill these people!"

"Fine, if it's come to this," Kuroko/Vepar transformed.

Kuroko's parents and friends gasped. He planned to fight Abraxas?!

"What do we have here? A want-to-be hero? You think you can save your little crush now?~ I have broken him beyond repair!" crazily laughed Abraxas.
"There's no way he'll ever be the same even if you can bring him back!"

"Shut up!" yelled Kuroko/Vepar. "I will bring him back and he will be okay, I promise it."

"Don't do this Tetsu-kun!" yelled Momoi.

"Yeah don't do it Tetsu!" added Aomine.

"You're just going to hurt yourself!" yelled Midorima.

"Kuro-chin should stop this childishness and come back home," said Murisakibara.

"Kurokochii! Please don't do it, I want to be with you forever and you might die if you do this! I don't want to lose you!" cried(no fake crying!) Kise. The GoM nodded their heads in agreement. Kise had finally said something worthwhile.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this," said Kuroko/Vepar. He turned and gave the GoM one of his heart-stopping smiles. They all knew that that meant that he planned for the worst. They all started to tear up as they saw his smile. He seemed so happy, so accepting toward his fate. It just wasn't fair, why did it have to be Kuroko?
A/N: Small chapter I pulled out of nowhere! Like seriously, I did this in like forty-five minutes while listening to Panic! At the Disco and Melanie Martinez songs. This is leading up the two endings, I'm almost done yay! Oh wait, I have sequels. Anyway, be prepared for feels and me failing at writing the most important fight scene of the story, that's all in the next chapter!(maybe, I might make another chapter before the official ending idk) Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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