Happy Ending

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Kuroko ducked. He saw the dagger and had at least tried to dodge it. Akashi ran over to him in panic.

"Oh my gosh! Kuroko, the dagger didn't hit you did it?! Please tell me you're okay!"

"I'm fine Akashi-kun, I'll just get a bruise from falling on the ground."

Akashi let out a sigh. It seemed like he was holding his breath. Akashi started laughing, something he almost never does.

"Haha, you sure are stupid following me. I'm stupid too for making a contract without realizing the risks."

"I guess since we're both stupid we should stick together to stop each other from making other stupid decisions," said Kuroko.

Akashi's eyes widened. "Is that you way of asking me out?"

"Yes," deadpanned Kuroko.

Akashi laughed even more. Kuroko's face scrunched up in confusion. Was Akashi laughing at him? Akashi seemed to see his confusion and slightly panicked.

"No, I'm not laughing at you! It's just that I was so worried about how to ask you and then you just go and do it so easily. I was driving myself crazy trying to find the perfect way and all you do is be yourself and it works."

"So . . . is that a yes?" asked Kuroko still confused.

"YES! I mean yes, I would love to. Go on a date that is. Oh my god this is so awkward!" rambled Akashi.

Kuroko has never seen this side of Akashi before but he was happy that Akashi did have a side like this. Kuroko smiled without even realizing it.

Akashi was caught off guard and blushed at the smile. It was too cute for this world. Akashi helped Kuroko up from the ground. Kuroko winced as he stood up, his leg had gotten severely bruised.

Akashi saw this and took the oppurtunity to pick Kuroko up bridle style. It was Kuroko's turn to blush. Akashi smirked at Kuroko.

"Tetsuya you're too cute for the cruel world to have. You are mine only."

"Possessive much?" laughed Kuroko. Akashi loved it when Kuroko laughed, he looked like an angel. Akashi was staring at him and Kuroko noticed.

"Um, Akashi why are you st-" but he was cut off by Akashi's lips on his own. At first Kuroko was stunned but he soon returned the feelings. Their lips fit perfectly with each other like they were meant to be. Maybe this was fate.

As Akashi pulled away they both needed to breathe. Kuroko was blushing madly(he was still in Akashi's arms) which was rare. Akashi liked this side of Kuroko.

They both seemed to bring out he best in each other. Akashi started laughing again and Kuroko joined in. They had enough seriousness for one day.

Kuroko's parents were happy for their son. He had finally found his happiness.

Mayuzumi was like an overly excited fanboy. He was so happy that his OTP was real.

At first Kise was sad, Kurokochii wasn't his, but he was also happy. His Kurokochii finally got the happiness he deserved after so many years of betrayal and loneliness.

Midorima was blushing(silly carrot tsundere!) and pushed up his glasses to block it.

Aomine was a surprisingly quiet. He was happy as long as Kuroko was happy. He didn't have any objections.

Murasakibara didn't act any different. He knew that they had liked each other a long time ago. He just didn't say anything about it. It was actual pretty obvious and Murasakibara was actually very observant. Even if he said something people would listen to him. Anyway, Muraskibara was happy for them as well.

Momoi was super excited! She actually secretly shipped them and totally supported them! She joined Mayuzumi with the fangirling/fanboying.

Kuroko was still being held bridle style by Akashi as he looked over to see everyone staring at them.

"I told you I would save him," Kuroko said.
A/N: Isn't it cute! I like this a lot. I actually wrote this in one go as well.

Well this is the end of this story! I hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the sequels! I need to come up with actual names this time, any suggestions?

Anyway, see you in the sequels!

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