Chapter 11

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A/N: Let's hope that this chapter goes better then I expected. I promise you that I have plot . . . I'm just not that good at executing it.
Pennsylvania was different than Japan. At least to Kuroko it was. He thought it was interesting, how easily they spoke English.

'Well duh! It's like speaking Japanese for you. It is natural.' said Vepar


"Now we have to find where your parents are." said Abraxas.

"How about over there?" questioned Mayuzumi as he pointed to where smoke was coming from.

"That's a good place to start." The trio sprinted off. The GoM were too busy fighting amongst themselves to see that the trio had run off.

"Shut up! We lost them." shouted Midorima.

"Midorimachii! What do we do?" cried Kise.

"If you would shut up I would be able to think of something!"

"I saw where they went." said Momoi innocently.

"Why didn't you say that earlier?!" yelled Midorima. He didn't wait for an answer. "Let's go!"
They followed Momoi's directions(all she did was follow the smoke).

|Transition to another place!|

Once they had reached the smoke Kuroko saw his mother and father. They were fighting a demon(A/N: Great description me!) and were in their transformed forms. His mother looked like an Egyptian goddess in all gold with a bow and arrows while his father was in a suit and had his dual pistols.(A/N: Wow! I remembered their weapons and descriptions without looking back!)

"Here they are!~" exclaimed Abraxas in a sing-song voice. Kuroko's parents finished off the demon, retransformed(A/N: I don't know what to call it.), and walked towards the trio.

"Tetsuya?! What are you doing here?" exclaimed Kuroko's mother.

Abraxas answered for him. "We are here to talk about the blueprints that you hid from him."

"What are you talking about?!" asked Kuroko's father, surprised.

"You know exactly what we are talking about." Abraxas smirked. "Tetsuya, nows your chance to kill them."

Kuroko's parents stared at him in shock. Kuroko wanted to kill them?!


"What was that Tetsuya?" hummed Abraxas. Mayuzumi stared at the ground. He didn't know how to tell them that the blueprints were fake.

"I said no. I don't want to!" Kuroko yelled.

Mayuzumi finally got the courage to speak up. "Abraxas, the blueprints were fake."

"What?! Chihiro how DARE you defy me! You were my right hand man!"

"Actually I wasn't. I was working for the agency that Kuroko's parents work at. They wanted me to monitor Akashi because they knew that a dangerous demon, you, was hidden inside of him. They got a reading and they have been watching you since then."

"I hate when people lie to me!" screamed Abraxas. "You!" he said as he pointed at Kuroko. "I command you to kill everyone here! Who cares about the human race anymore."

'He can do that?' gasped Kuroko in horror to Vepar.

'He's the supreme deity of the demon world. He practically rules it! He can do what ever the heck he wants to!'

Kuroko fell to the ground in agony. His parents were concerned but they were pushed away by Abraxas. In his commanding voice Abraxas said "I command you to do what we came here to do."

Kuroko couldn't hold on anymore. He felt like he was in a dream. He wasn't in control of his body. He felt like he was watching his body do things. He was in a white space.

'Hey' said Vepar.

Kuroko turned around and saw Vepar.

'W-what am I doing here?!'

'Abraxas commanded you. You are now his pawn . . . again. He's making you kill your parents and a lot of other innocent people.'

'This is insane! He wants me to kill people?! There's no way I can do that!'

'Right now you aren't you. You are a mindless killing machine. All you have are orders and you are following them exactly as he gave them. I'm sorry'

|outside of Kuroko's mind|

Kuroko suddenly stopped writhing in pain and Abraxas smirked.

"What did you do?!" yelled Kuroko's mother, horrified at what her son had become. Kuroko started to walk towards his parents. He had a blank face, that his parents knew well, but his eyes were dull and void of emotion.

The GoM, who were hiding in the bushes, jumped out of the bushes.

"No! You can't do this Tetsu!" yelled Aomine. Kuroko paid Aomine's outburst no mind and continued. He transformed, against his own and Vepar's will but it was forced by Abraxas, and summoned his throwing knives.

Kuroko smiled crazily and everyone, except Abraxas, shivered. They didn't know if they could save Kuroko, but they sure as hell will try!
A/N: This is actually very close to the ending that I had thought of so there might be only one or two more chapters left. After the main plot I might make a sequel(I'll have to think of a plot!) so maybe that will happen! Don't forget that there's going to be two endings! Look forward to it! Anyway, see you in the next chapter!

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