Inside the Kraang facility, the Lotus Ninjas was fighting against the Kraang droids.
"Keep moving! Don't let them surround you!" Lee shouted as she was dodging neon pink energy lasers. "Failure is not an option!"
"Technically, failure is always an option, Lee!" Donna said.
"You know what else is an option?" Ella snapped at the purple mystic kunoichi. "Hitting you!"
The Lotus Ninjas quickly darted forward to attack the Kraang droids and dodged the incoming neon pink energy lasers at the same time. They then huddled together when they saw a large tank rolling into the room that carried a large, powerful energy cannon.
"Girls, stand your ground!" Lee ordered. Her eyes widened wide in surprise when she saw the cannon powering itself up. "Never mind. Run!"
The cannon released a massive neon pink laser blast that made the four mystic kunoichis scatter away. Ellie, Ella, Donna, and Lee jumped and dodged each laser blast that was coming in their direction until they backed up against the wall in their defensive positions.
"Kraang, destroy the ones who are called the Lotus when that which is the signal is the signal given by me." One Kraang droid said to the alien robot in charge of the cannon.
With a sly grin, Lee created several well-coordinated water shuriken between her hands and released them bouncing off the metal clanging until all of them hit the laser cannon that knocked both Kraang droids off the tank, causing the cannon to explode with the Kraang droids around it and forcing the Kraang brains to abandon their robotic bodies.
Lee, Ella, and Ellie climbed out of the window as they landed on the ground outside. Before they can congratulate themselves on their victory, they spotted Donna dragging broken robotic body out through the window.
"Uh, girls, a little help?" Donna said as she was shaking the robot body on her back.
Ella carried the heavy robotic body to the rooftop on her back as Donna, Lee, and Ellie climbed up to the building in front of them.
"So, remind me again why am I carrying this thing?" Ella asked.
"Because I want to create a loyal advanced weapon that will serve as a powerhouse at our side." Donna explained.
"I thought I was the team's powerhouse." Ella said as she dropped the robotic body to the rooftop ground.
"True, but we need extra powerhouse if the Kraang plans something that not even you can defeat." Donna replied.
"That's true." Ella admitted with a shrug.
"Let's teleport." Lee said.
The Lotus Ninjas formed a circle with the robotic body in the center and closed their eyes as their combined magic teleported them to the fortress.
In the Crete Fortress, the Lotus Ninjas were relaxing themselves in the living room. Ellie was reading her sport magazine, Ella was feeding her cat Samson, Lee was watching TV, and Donna was examining the robotic alien droid apart. Their best friend Casey was playing app game on his L-Phone next to Ella.
"This alien technology is nothing I've ever seen before. Almost like a melee weapon from mystic scrolls from ancient times." Donna said. She pulled something out of the robotic body and held the small piece of technology in front of her face with an exciting smile. "I can't wait to study it!"
TMNG (Book 1)
FanficThe Lotus Ninjas struggle to contain an outbreak of mutations that occurs thanks to the leftover mutagen from the thwarted Kraang invasion. During this time, they gain new allies to help them in their mission and new enemies that antagonize them. Ho...