Chapter-2 new friend

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"Singing is only a hobby."I said and smiled lightly.

"Anyways here's your schedule."he said and handle it to me, I bowed and thanked him.

"Do you know in which class you will attend?"The principal asked me.

"Yes class A-3"I answered in a polite tone.

"Baekhyun please go with her since you're the same class as Taeyeon."Mr. Lee so man said to him.

So his name is baekhyun? Sounds like bacon.

"What about my punishment old grandpa?"the boy said in an impolite tone.

How disrespectful from him.

"I'll meet you after school."he said, we both walked out the office and walked through the hallway.

It was poor silent, I didn't want to start a conversation maybe he will get annoyed, but surprisingly Baekhyun started one.

"Why did you even transfer here?"he asked me in an uninterested tone.

"I just moved from jeonju and my brother is also in this school."I said in a nervous tone.

"How boring."he said in a happy tone and made a fake smile at me.

"Jerk."I muttered to myself.

"I heard that."Baekhyun said while we were walking.

I suddenly blushed because, of the embracement that he heard it.

"Nerd."he said to me because, of my glasses.

I rolled my eyes, idiot.

I didn't give any attention, and just looked around and suddenly bumped into his shoulder.

"Aish,.."I whispered to myself, because my glasses fell in the floor.
"Pay attention where you are looking?"he said while staring at me.

"I will."I said while cleaning my glasses.

"Or were you blind because, of my handsome face?"he said and smirked.

"No."I said in a disgusting tone and wore my glasses on.

"Anyways we are here."he said and knocked at the class room door.

What! Why didn't he tell me earlier?!

I fixed my hair, before going inside the classroom, baekhyun suddenly rolled his eyes.

"I see no difference."He said while rolling his eyes.

I ignore it the fact, that he made fun of me.

I went inside with him, and all students suddenly paid attention to me.

"You're the new student right?"a tall man said, he kind of reminded of a giraffe.

I nodded and we both shook hands "I'm Lee kwangsoo your biology teacher, but please call me Mr.Lee."he said, mr.Lee is a really nice teacher.

On the other baekhyun disappeared, but I found him sitting in the back with a girl, she was feeding him with some strawberries.


"Can you please introduce yourself?"the teacher asked me, I shook my head and didn't even realize that he asked me that three times.

I guess I was to focus to see that jerk feeding by a girl.

"Neh,..I'm Kim Taeyeon 18 years old."I said and bowed.

"You're 18?!"The teacher and some student said at the same time, even baekhyun, but he just smirked.

"Y..yes."I said in a nervous tone, well,.. Some of them are sure 3 years younger then me, 2 years or even 1 year.

"Yay, I'm not the only one who's 18."a girl said and smiled, showing her eye smile.

Wah,.. Her eye smile is really pretty.

Every student stared at her, she stood up and bowed.

"Mi..Mianhe."The girl said, I smiled at her lightly.

"Anyways, Please sit next to Tiffany."he said and pointed to the girl who was screaming a while.

I sat next to her.

"Mianhe about that."she said and whispered.

"No, that's fine I'm glad to know that we both are 18."I said to her and we both giggled, luckily the teacher didn't notice it because, he always talked about giraffes.

"By the way why did you transfer in this school?"she asked me in a wondered tone.

"I just moved here from jeonju, and from now on I'll live with my brother, who is also attending in this school."I said in whisper tone.

"Is he also a transferred?"she asked me.

"Andwae, he's longer in this school then me, perhaps you know a Kim Heechul?"I asked her.

"He's your brother?!"she asked me and raised an eye brow

Falling in love with a player (Baekyeon High school story) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now