Chapter 6: Hiding the Truth

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Justin's POV

The next day I walk into school and head to my 1st period and take a seat at the back of the class. Selena walks in and doesn't sit next to me like she normally does. Everyone's staring at me, not like they already don't but that they're giving me suspicious looks.... Do you think they know about me and Hailey?
Once 1st period was over, I headed out of the class room when someone stopped me. It was Taylor. She hurled a magazine at my chest.

"Look at the front cover." She ordered.

I took a look at the front cover and couldn't believe what I saw. It was me climbing out of Hailey's window this morning. How did the paparazzi see me? The headline read, "New Fling or a One Time Thing?" Oh crap. I hope Selena hasn't seen this yet.

"What do I do?! Selena cannot see this! She'll KILL ME!!" I yelled

"Shhh! Everyone's staring!" Taylor whispered

I looked around and noticed everyone was staring so I should probably not yell again.

"Just keep everything on the low for now," Taylor advised.

"Kay, gotta go I'm gonna be late for class." I reply.


Selena's POV

Once the bell rings I head to lunch and seat at my regular table. I notice everyone's eyes on Justin, who's already at the table. He fumbles around with his jacket hurriedly and greets me with a small grin which I return. After a few minutes of awkward silence I speak up.

"Hey look, Justin I just want to say that I'm sorry for yelling at you last night." I say. "I shouldn't have done that, it's your life not mine and I'm sorry."

He sits there for a couple seconds processing what I said. He then replies,

"I'm sorry too. I also yelled. I totally forgive you because I'm a forgiving person and you are too because everyone makes mistakes." he blurts out suspiciously.

That was a little weird.... I notice a magazine folded into his jacket. I snatch it out of his pocket and look at the cover. It's a picture of Justin climbing out of Hailey's window from, what looks like, this morning.
A rush of emotions fill my chest. Did they "do it" last night? Why am I so angry about it? Am... Am I jealous? I grab my things and rush out of the lunch room and head to my locker. I take out my things for my next class, planning to skip the rest of lunch and get to class early, when I hear a familiar voice around the corner. I slowly shut my locker, trying to make as little sound as possible. I recognize that voice anywhere, it's Hailey. I sneak around the corner to see what she's saying. She's whispering to her little clique about something, I overhear the name Justin. I lean in closer to see what they're saying.

" yeah I just framed me and Justin having sex and payed that little amateur photographer to take a picture and I sent it to the magazine company. They flipped when they got the picture... They were practically worshiping me when I sent it to them." Hailey says proudly.

"You badass!" Kendall snickers

"Sounds like something I would do," Cara adds with an evil laugh

"Now I have Justin Bieber right at my fingertips, to do anything, and everything, I want! And to get that Gomez girl away from him.... Do you see the way he looks at her? Unacceptable!" Hailey says

They all laugh and walk away. The bell rings, signally lunch is over and everyone rushes out of the cafeteria doors, but I don't care. I stand there frozen taking in what I had just heard. I can't believe Hailey would do something so evil! And her comment about Justin and I.... Does he really look at me differently then everyone else? I feel my cheeks get hot. Damnit. Why am I blushing? "He's just another pop star Selena.... don't fall for him!" I tell myself.


heyyyy soooooo how do you like the book so far?
I hope you enjoy it because I enjoy writing it!
What do you think will happen?
also BTW I'm sorry if this totally sucks because his is my first fanfic so don't hate, APPRECIATE
okay gtg bye I have so much hw 👋🏼

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