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During the funeral, the very important guests had received each an item of the dead one. Some received his shirts (they were probably not going to keep them), others got his musical instruments. Kristen didn't dare to think that she figured in the list of special people, so she didn't hope to get anything to remind her of him.

It was more important for her to know how was she going to live without him. She had lost too many people for too short period of time. If that pace kept on, for sure it would make her go numb the next time someone died. She hadn't worn different colors besides gray, white and black for quite a long time. She had forgotten they existed.

Just as she was about to leave the funeral quietly, Clare caught up with her, exclaiming her name.

"Kristen, wait!"

The actress stopped herself and quickly turned around, feeling her heart skip a beat. What could possibly the mother of the dead one want from her?

Clare finally caught up with her. "There's something for you too."

Kristen's eyes widened. What? Why would he leave something for her? The last time they had spoken had been three years ago, when they had met up to try and fix things. It was too late. They couldn't fix the broken.

"Here you go, sweetheart," Clare handled her a shoebox. Now Kristen was completely beyond baffled.

Huh? What's that? Why is she giving me this?

Her hands were glued on the shoebox, as she thanked Clare and hurried to leave, not without saying goodbye to her friend and the other guests she knew.

Kristen declined politely Annie's offer to be driven home and spent some time with her. She needed some time with herself and the box she had received. She wondered what could have he possibly left her? A stuffed animal? Another shirt? Lyrics for his songs?

At home, she cuddled on the loveseat near the fireplace with the shoebox. Isolated from the whole society, soft radio music running in the background. It was time.

She opened carefully the shoebox and was surprised to find envelopes. Letters? Diary entries?


The first one would be the easiest to read.

Dear Kristen,

Read carefully! Because of you, I'm dead. It's all your fault I'm six feet under the ground, when I could be happily married, with children, with a established career. All your fault!

Because of you, I would go to bed and cry myself to sleep. You don't know how many nights I've spent broken hearted or worrying about you and your life and health.

Now you may ask why did I ask to be buried here, in LA. On purpose, Kristen. On purpose. I wanted my ghostly presence to haunt you, to keep you awake at night, just like you did all of these years.

How could you kill me? Ha, let's see how you're going to live from now on, knowing you've taken away an innocent person's life!

Bitch. Murderer.

With lots of hatred,

Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson

By the time the letter was read, Kristen was already in tears.

"It's all my fault," she sobbed. "I'm the reason he's gone."

Gone » RobstenWhere stories live. Discover now