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Like she had promised, Kristen and Everett had met up in her house later on, in the afternoon for a drink and concessions. Her decision was to tell him everything there, instead of letting him learn the wrong details from the fourth power - the media. Everett, for surely read newspapers. But the truth was always more appreciated. Especially in one's point of view, in this case - Kristen's.

Speaking of Kristen, she had just served a glass of wine and some cheese to her guest, who awarded her with a sweet smile.

"Why, thank you, Miss Stewart," he attempted to fake an accent, which made her laugh. Kristen truly enjoyed spending time with him. He kinda reminded her of Robert, because just like him, Everett always knew how to take her mind off her problematic reality.

As they were laughing, she remembered her true purpose of their meeting. It was not just fun and games. Sipping wine and snacking on cheese was nice, but how was he going to take what she was going to tell him? What if he left? What if he didn't believe her?

Her laugh tranquilized as she found herself looking down at her lap. Why was she looking down there? It was just Everett. They had known each other for some time. Why all the shyness out of sudden?

"I have to tell you something," Kristen said more quietly than she usually spoke. TIme to admit that she was helpless. She hated feeling helpless. She wanted to be stronger, with her chin up, no matter how much it stuck.

Everett looked at her worriedly. "What is it, Kristen? What's bothering you?"

She looked up, straight into his eyes "I need help."

Everett didn't know what to say.

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