The failure of the big plan.

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This story was originally written by Caroline. Its been modified and edited from the original script and is written in a group point of view.

Picture of rice and daal in the media section.
(Picture Credit- Google images)

G's POV:

Well... everyone has a story to tell.
So why not us???

This could perhaps be the most memorable one for us.

We thought that it wouldn't really be a big deal stealing rice from the dining hall with hundreds of people around.

Why? You ask.

Because the chances of getting caught in such a crowded place zeroed down to none. Not until the wardens come for checking or sees us with the bowl in the hand, of course. And wardens checked very rarely so we very bravely tried to proceed with our plan.

So parent's visiting day was coming up. We had it on the 2nd Saturday of every month. We were all very excited to eat home cooked food after a month of "Aloo (potatoes) and orange-yellow water which I don't know why but they happened to call it "daal"

Second Saturdays were blissful, magical even. And we planned to have one yet again.

All of us had decided to bring the leftovers, the extra food specifically, that our parents brought for us so that we could have it at night. We weren't allowed to bring any home cooked food but we planned to bring it anyways and so on that fateful day, we collected and brought all the leftovers and beautifully hid it inside our tucks carton, some in polythene bags and some in their tucks basket. Anyway, all of us somehow managed to bring in our food.

Our warden of course checked our baskets too, but she trusted us not to do anything out of the way so she checked ours very casually

We eagerly waited for dinner to proceed with our plan.

We were short on rice and the thought of not enjoying fully without sufficient rice haunted us and so determined at the thought of enjoying and satisfying ourselves to the fullest we took our beautiful, flexible rubber container (bright orange in color, hence standing out a lot) to the dinning hall to steal rice and so did our other friends, who sat just one table away from us.

One of us kept the container openly in the table and the four of us remained nonchalant about it even after knowing that we would get caught and scolded if any of the wardens caught us.

That's exactly what happened anyways!

Being discreet was out of the question since the thought of enjoying later at night engulfed us to such an extent that getting caught did not even matter. Kidding, it did matter, but none of us knew we would get caught, did we? The idea did not even cross our minds.

Our senior warden, a.k.a 'Babes' who also wanted to have her fingers in every pie unfortunately saw our container and asked us what it was for.

What were we supposed to say then??
"For stealing rice?"

Obviously NO!

We had to lie about it (Our school motto was learn the truth, by the way:D) But we were newbies so we diregarded our motto. Because at that moment, getting out of the mess(inserts pun) was the only thing that mattered.

We lied and said that it was for our sick friend who was up there in the dorm. Invisible friend, that would be. Fortunately, two girls were missing from our table*wipes sweat*
Now wait for the ultimate doom, both were home (The unfortunate.)

Babes didn't buy our lie. She went and called our Superintendent and pointed directly at our table. "Those girls are stealing rice." The embarrassment.

She probably wanted to embarrass us in front of the hundreds cause she had a special dislike towards our dorm but surprisingly and fortunately our superintendent didn't scold us. She scolded everyone in general and informed us never to take rice up to the dorm. The relief was unimaginable cause knowing her, she would have probably bitten our heads off. Yeah, she was that scary.

Anyways, though we failed in our mission our other friends were successful. Don't ask us how, their container was waaaaay bigger.

But all of us were scared that Babes would come and check our stuffs so we all hid the leftovers and the rice. No, we did not tell anyone to throw away anything but our other friend was extremely smart in doing so. She put the rice in a black polythene bag and disposed it.

But us, greedy pigs, told her to just go and pick it up and that's what she did. Come on, everyone was hungry. We did not even touch our food in the mess hall at the thought of enjoying later. Not really. Actually we were scared shitless that we couldn't even bring up our spoon to our mouth.

We ran up to the locker room with the plastic bag of rice and sat there in the corner with a big container ready to dig in.
When we opened the plastic bag to put the rice in the container we found chicken bones. We don't know how it ended up there cause we got beef for dinner. So the chicken? Where was it from? We had no friggin' idea.

Yeah, we were fear factor worthy at that time. I mean, who wouldn't feel disgusted, right?

But against all odds, we mixed the rice together with the leftovers and ate it, like our lives and survival depended on it. Our two other friends included.

Disgusting was the perfect word to describe us. But at that time nothing mattered, only eating and filling our stomachs mattered.

And guess what??

Because of us, some of our seniors got caught too and sorry to say this but they couldn't proceed with their plan, Unlike us.. "The DUSTBIN RICE EATERS."

But hey, on the bright side... We could've gone on a Fear Factor show and easily won, yeah?

Ugh, Not really.

Thanks to our hunger we could do something reckless. You only live once.

In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take. But we're glad that we decided to take the chance and create a memory so beautiful though it was a little disgusting, we must admit.

"Enjoy every second you spend with your friends. Do reckless, stupid things. Cause someday you're gonna miss it all. Everything about it. And those little memories will be the only thing that will serve to bring a smile to your face."

Thank you! ❤
Enjoy- xxx

Chapter dedicated to Achumlo.

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