Tebe stačí, že som a ja to bez teba neviem 🌿

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you know what it's like to love someone who don't and won't ever love you back? to wake up every morning wanting to see his message,but not actually seeing it cause, you know, he is not as in love and as caring as you. you know what it's like to love someone and they coldly replace you with someone who is 100 times better than you, and how it feels to try to keep that person close to you for almost one year,while they don't make any effort to keep you close to them and realizing you was only wasting your time loving someone who wouldn't even look your way? you know what it's like to love someone who isn't able to love girl with scars, girl who have so many problems, unhappy girl. do you know what it's like having only one hand that is there to rescue you, and the only hand you trusted just dropped your hand? my heart wasnt enough for you. i loved you so much that even if you pushed me off a cliff i would stand back and say sorry cause you were actually standing too close to the edge. i loved you, i still love you and i will always love you, but i won't tell you how much i love you ever again. i am not competitive person, and if i see that anyone is making you happier than me, i will let that person do it cause i know what it's like to hate myself and to feel worthless so next time, when everybody let you down i won't be here cause after all promises you told me, you gave up on me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 25, 2017 ⏰

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