Should I Stay or Should I Go?

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    As a kid who didn't spend much of her childhood living with my mom, naturally I'd want to try to live with her at some point right? After moving to Oregon I got extremely home sick and wanted to move back. If I moved back I'd have to move in with my mom. To live with my mom she had to meet some requirements. Just a four key ones really. She had to wake up at a decent hour, get a job we can live off of, find a house or apartment for us to live in, and find a good school for me to go to. We gave her a year to do this, seems doable right? Wrong, for her at least. 

    Instead of finding a place for the both of us to live she got evicted from her apartment and still hadn't found somewhere to live, so now she is living with my grandparents. She couldn't find a job of any sort that's appropriate. There were a number of good schools that I could've gone to yet, she didn't want to live in any of the houses or apartments by them. She liked houses she couldn't afford that were near bad schools.

    Carrying on from her past with drugs she never regained a proper sleep schedule. My mom was always waking up sometime in the afternoon unless someone physically woke her up, and she's stay up until all hours of the night and early morning. At some point she went and took a sleep test and was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. The doctors gave her a sleeping machine to help keep her asleep so that she wouldn't be tired and start falling asleep when she wasn't supposed to. Well, when she started moving her stuff out of her apartment, she put it into storage. Big mistake. 

    With not having a job she was relying on other people to pay back money they owed her to pay for storage. When people don't follow through you tend to lose things, like your storage unit. Yup, she lost the storage unit that had her nice sleep machine. It was sold at an auction with all her other possessions in the unit. Yayyy, not. Without the machine, she can't get enough sleep to wake up before noon everyday and stay awake.

    In the year we gave her my mom managed to make her living situation worse, still hadn't gotten a job to live off of, couldn't wake up at a decent hour, and couldn't get me into a good school. When I went back to New Mexico for the summer to visit I tried to help her. I went looking at houses with her that she could afford but she managed to find something wrong with everyone of them because they weren't by her "friends." She found a job, but it was seasonal meaning that when the season is over she would be out of a job.

    If I wanted to go somewhere during the week, she was supposed to take me. Well, I had wanted to go swimming with this friend of mine Micheal. We were supposed to meet at the pool at noon, I lied and told my mom the day before that I needed to be there by 10 am and to pick me up at 9am. I wouldn't normally lie to my family but I wanted to make sure I'd be there on time. I took my moms' phone when she wasn't looking and set a bunch of alarms for 8am and put it back. 

    Well, turns out that six alarms at full volume and over 20 calls to my mom wouldn't get her to pick me up on time. Of the multiple calls, she answered two.  One was to say that yes she was awake, getting ready, and that she would be over in five minutes. The other was two hours later saying she was just about to walk out the door. Noon rolled around and still no sign of my mom. I knew by that point that she just wasn't coming. 

    So, I called my brother. He came and picked me up and dropped me off at the pool. The swim session was from noon to 4pm. My mom called me around 3pm saying she was at my grandparents to pick me up to go to the pool and that she was sorry. I told her around 12:30 I had my brother Caleb take me and that she could pick me up from the pool at 4 when the session was over. She didn't end up picking me up until about 5:30pm.  

    My mom showed that I wasn't her priority and that she was unfit to take care of me properly. After I made this realization, I decided to stay in Oregon where I have a dad who loves me, makes me his first priority, and properly takes care of me. My friends mothers treat me more like a daughter than my mother should. 

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