1. Find My Way Back

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Cause even underneath the waves

I'll be holding on to you

And even if you slip away

I'll be there to fall into the dark

To chase your heart

No distance could ever tear us apart

There's nothing that I wouldn't do

I'll find my way back to you

She was safe. No one knew what Theo wanted, what the Chimeras were capable of, who the Beast was or what the Dread Doctors were planning, but she was safe. Lydia was safe, and that was all that mattered, at least for Stiles.

''They saved me, mom'' She spoke, her typical smile finally coming back. ''Stiles saved me''

That was it. That was what he wanted to hear ever since he saved her on prom night from Peter. It's not that he wanted the glory Jackson got, he didn't want to be praised or seen as a hero... He just wanted her to know that no matter what happened or how bad things got, he'd always find a way. 

Stiles would always find a way to save the girl he loved. Loves. The word and the thought nearly fright him, because it wasn't the right time to have all his feelings for Lydia striking back again as a hurricane. He tries to ignore it but he can't, it's like a bird flying out of the cage. Free, unstoppable. 

It was not the time to think about it, though. He cracks a joke, but still can't stop noticing the way Natalie hugs Lydia. He wanted it to be him. Not too sure if it was selfish to want that or not, after all, it was her mom she was hugging, but in his mind he was the one there, with his arms around her, his hands softly playing with her hair.

''Let's go home'' Natalie says, to which Lydia agrees. 

''Are you sure that's a good idea?'' Stiles asks, not wanting Lydia to go. ''Maybe we should all stay together tonight''

''It's okay, Stiles'' Scott assures him. ''They won't try anything, at least not tonight. We really should rest''

''Especially Lydia'' Deaton completes.

It's funny. It's funny how much you can care about someone, so much that it hurts you. Stiles remembers feeling guilty and terrible about Allison's death, the grief, but only now he can start to understand what Scott must have felt like. Begging for her to wake up. Lydia listened to him, but Allison didn't. Lydia woke up. Allison didn't.

He's sure that if Allison ever came back, Scott would never let her go. Perhaps not romantically, perhaps he'd continue with Kira -- he loves her, no doubt --, but he'd forever and always protect her. That's what you do for the people you love. Stiles is glad he could do it right.

If it was his choice, he wouldn't leave Lydia alone for the night, or ever again. He just wanted to hold her and never let go, never let anyone hurt her ever again. Unfortunately, it's not up to him. Lydia needs to rest and be with her mom for a while.

Stiles didn't speak a word while he drove Scott to his house, where Melissa was probably nervously waiting at the kitchen table. Not because he was sad, angry or anxious, on the contrary. He was too relieved to talk.

We did good. Things are going to get better now. Lydia is safe. Stiles could listen what Scott was saying, but that was about it, and soon, Scott understood the message. It was the time to just relax and be relieved, not talk about how things were before or were going to be from now on.

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