Chapter Two: A Friend of a Friend

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By the time I had arrived home, it was pouring down rain. Lightning flashed outside my window, and the sound of rolling thunder wasn't too far behind. I opened the window in my room just a crack so I could smell the fresh rain, and better hear the relaxing tapping of droplets on the side of the house. Turning around, I flopped onto my bed.

Who knew watching a bunch of sweaty dudes who make me self conscious about myself bouncing a ball up and down a gym would make me so exhausted? Maybe Oliver was right. Getting out of the house every once and a while might be good for me....but I still don't like it. It's not like I ever have anyone to do anything with, so what's the point really? I don't really talk to any other people besides Flavio and Oliver; Flavio almost always has other plans, and Oliver's too head over heels at the moment to even think about doing anything else.

And then there's my younger brother, Lutz. I don't really hang out with him that much. He's always doing something with his friends as well; though he does invite me along every once and a while. I usually decline though. I'd probably end up clinging to his side like a leech the whole time, and I don't want to do that to him. A lot of the things he is usually doing isn't in my particular interests either.

A flash of light beamed through my window, followed by a loud crash, nearly knocking me off of my bed. It began to pour down harder outside, forcing me to shut my window. I yawned and looked at the clock on my phone. 10:30. It wasn't nearly close to what I time I usually went to sleep, especially on a Friday night. I grabbed my pillow and wrapped my arms around it, not even bothering to get under the covers.

It didn't take more than a minute before I was sound asleep.


I awoke the next morning to the sound of my phone blowing up with text messages. I almost didn't even move to look at them, but the annoying sound of vibration against my hollow wood nightstand was unbearable for my ears to withstand. With a low groan, I grabbed it, squinting at the brightness of the screen. As the blurriness began to disappear from my eyes, I could finally see from whom the messages were coming from.

Flavio. Dammit.

I unlocked my phone and opened the messaging app. Most of them said something like "Bitch, I need details" or "Wake up dammit", and even the long and drawn out "GIIIIIILLEEEEEEEN." None of them provided a purpose as to why he so desperately needed my attention at ten in the morning though. I groggily answered him.

"What's the matter? Details for what?"

I threw my phone onto the bed, shoving my face back into my pillow. I hoped he wouldn't answer it quite yet and maybe I could close my eyes for a bit. But the speed texting demon answered as soon as my face planted into the soft fabric.

"Oliver said a guy was giving you bedroom eyes last night!!!!

Was he hot?!

Was he tall?!

Basketball players are usually hella tall."

Bedroom eyes?! Who? What the hell Flavio? At first, I had no recollection of what Oliver had been talking about. I began to message back, but then it hit me like a tidal wave.


My senses tingled as I began to remember what happened last night. His eyes, his smile, his scent, his strength, his warmth, all of it came back to me. My blood began to pound through my veins with nervousness. I started to panic. Oliver had gotten the wrong idea, and now he was flapping his gums to Flavio about it.

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