Chapter Five: The Visitor

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I spent my entire weekend playing video games, eating pizza, and trying to forget about him. I was not looking for a relationship, especially not from a sly, annoying, self-centered guy like Roland. As much as I want to hate him though, I can't help but admire his confidence. Whether he was aware of his own vanity or not, he wore it well and some could look over his narcissism.

I looked at the crumpled up sheet of paper on my nightstand. Written on it was Roland's number, along with a not that read 'For you, Sugar~'. He somehow had slipped it into my coat pocket and it had fallen out when I took it off. At first, I tossed it aside, but despite my mind screaming at me 'No!', I picked it back up. I haven't touched it since.

A gentle knock sounded on my door. Lutz popped his head in and smiled.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Just playing with Blade," I replied quietly. Blade was an online friend of mine who lived in Japan. He's quiet most of the time, and when he does speak it's either sarcastic, pessimistic, and maybe even perverted. But despite that, he's wise and I'll ask for his opinion on things.

"Ah." Lutz nodded. "Well I just wanted to let you know that I'll be having a guest over."

He tried to hide his smirk, but I caught it in the corner of my eye. I rolled my eyes and responded tartly.

"Just keep it down please. You know it makes me uncomfortable." Lutz chuckled.

"I can't make any promises," and with a wink he shut the door behind him. I sighed and turned back to my game.

"You seem to have a lot on your mind," Blade said through the headset softly.

"Maybe, just a lot of small annoyances. It's fine though."

"I beg do differ."

"On what grounds?"

"You suck today," Blade said bluntly. "You keep zoning and we're losing missions because of it."

"My apologies," I said, embarrassed.

"Why don't you take a break. Go outside and breathe some air. It would be good for you."

"But I don't-"

Blade was off before I could respond. I hung my head and stood up, stretching my stiff limbs. I turned off the TV monitor and turned to leave, not before glancing at the note again. It sat there lifeless under my lamp. I contemplated my options for a moment, but then I turned and left it there, closing my door behind me.

I bounced down the stairs, and as soon as I hit the bottom, the doorbell rang. I looked around the hall and in the archway to the living room, but Lutz was nowhere in sight. Cautiously, I made my way up to the door and opened it.

In front of me stood a tall, strawberry blonde girl, with cherry red lipstick and bright blue eyes that pierced my skull.  She had a small patch of freckles that lined her cheekbones. She held herself with sass, the hip popped and everything. She smiled at me.

"Hi, you must be Gilen, Lutz's older brother,"  she said cheerfully.

"Uh, yeah...hi?" I responded quizzically. Before I could speak again, Lutz grabbed the door from behind me.

"Hey Schatz, ready to get studying?"

The girl winked at him and giggled. He smirked and turned to me.

"I see you've met my brother. Gilen, this is Lizzy," Lutz said, gesturing to the girl.

"You're brother is totally adorable, Lutzy." Lizzy grabbed my hand in that weird, excited girl way. I gently pulled back, trying to make it obvious it made me uncomfortable, but she didn't take the hint. It wasn't until Lutz smoothly slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her away did she let go. She giggled even more as they walked up the stairs.

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