Chapter Three: Not Weird At All

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I felt extremely small as Roland stood beside me. He was wearing a gray, v-cut Guns 'N' Roses t-shirt under a wine colored waistcoat, and a pair of faded black skinny jeans with black Converse to match. A gold chain hung from his belt loops and draped his side. He certainly looked way neater than the disheveled basketball player I met before. A thin gold chain hung around his neck, with a gold watch to match. Cologne and incense seemed to be his signature scent, because it was just as noticeable now as it was last night, maybe even more so.

Roland chuckled and crossed his arms. "Well, are you going to say hello, or are you going to keep staring in awe?"

In awe? Was I in awe? Did I look like I was in awe? I don't know. I took a deep breath before jerking my hand out towards him in greeting.

"H-hi my name is meet you," I said quietly. I stared at the floor as I waited for his hand. It was a moment before he took my hand, but when he did, it was accompanied by light laughter. I didn't quite understand why he was laughing. I assumed he was laughing at me; I probably did something dumb yet again. I pulled my hand away from his and brought it to my chest.

I felt his hand on my shoulder and I looked up at it. I turned to him as he said:

"Gilen...why that's probably the cutest name I've ever had the pleasure of hearing," he smiled. I felt a rush of heat under my skin as he said this to me. He was about to speak again when he was interrupted.

"Well if it isn't the creepiest motherf*cker that I ever did see," said the familiar (and loud) voice of Lutz. He embraced Roland in one of those half, bro-hugs, but from where I was standing, he looked like he was about to choke poor Roland.

"Ah, don't forget the best looking too," Roland said with a wink.

"Man, how long has it been since I've seen you?" Lutz asked.

"I think it's been over a year," Roland responded.

"Really? That long?"

The two of them began casually chatting (something that in the 17 years I've been on this Earth I still can't figure out). I scanned the room once again for the blonde haired boy that drug me hear in the first place. Why does Flavio seem to think that he is the ultimate matchmaker of the universe? To be quite honest, most of the relationships he's set up have ended badly. There was one time it actually ended with a girl having to transfer schools. It wasn't pretty.

It's not that I hate Flavio, I really don't mind him. Our relationship is basically he talks a lot, and I don't, which works out perfectly for the both of us. He's funny and confident, which I admire about him. But he can be a bit big for his britches sometimes.

I still haven't found him, but with the crowd of people that have accumulated in the room, it's kind of hard to tell. It was probably the biggest crowd I've been in for a very long time. Internally, I was having a meltdown. It's like my insides were Pompeii: Part Two. I began playing with the hems of my sleeves, pulling them over my hand and back off. My mind began to wander off to other things, like 'Did I get the Geometry homework done?', or 'Did I save that game I was playing before?'.

I did this for a while until I noticed one important detail about my surroundings. Lutz was gone. There was no conversation directly in front of me. That means-

I quickly looked up to see Roland, sitting in a chair, staring directly at me. He must always have some sort of smile on his face too, because it was still there. My eyes widened and my body stiffened.

"H-how long have you been staring at me like that?" I asked him anxiously.

"Ever since you fell for me last night~."

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