Chapter Four: Kings Crown

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Flavio nearly hit someone in the head with a door bursting out of the bathroom. With his hand clamped around my wrist, he dragged me towards the front of the elongated room. We stood up against the wall, away from the small group of people had crowded the front of the room. Our view of the band was obstructed, but I guess that really didn't matter all that much. As long as they sounded alright.

"I've seen them perform before," Flavio said, sticking a piece of chewing gum into his mouth. "They're not exactly my thing, but they aren't bad either."

"Oh? Where did you see them before?"

"At a party. They played a lot of classic rock, some modern stuff."

"Ah..." I nodded. People began clapping; I assumed the show was starting.

"Yeah, they had a cool name too. It's-"

"Good evening everyone~" a silky smooth voice rang through the speakers. My head shot up. I stood on the ends of my toes to try and see past the crowd. I caught a glimpse of a familiar, devilish smile leaning into the microphone.

No freaking way.

"My name, is Roland-"

I should have known.

"-and this is 'King's Crown'."

The crowd began cheering. The guitarist, who turned out to be Arthur, began playing a slow guitar riff to start off the show. I recognized the tune, but I couldn't name it off of the top of my head. The drummer began playing a steady beat along with Arthur, slowly piecing the song together. Roland took the mic into his hands and began to sing.

"Take me down to the Paradise City,
Where the grass is green,
And the girl's are pretty.
Take me home."

His voice was deep and sensual, with a hint of rock n roll grunginess to it. It was almost too deep for the song he was singing, but somehow, he made it work. You could see his confidence through his smile and burning in his eyes. He knew he had the crowd in his grasp.

The music took a sudden turn and head-banging ensued. Most of the room had just a small nod to their head bang, while others I thought were gonna get whiplash. A couple of drunkards had made their way to the front, stumbling around the crowd, jamming out to the music.

Unbeknownst to me, a devilish idea popped into Flavio's head. He grabbed me by tee wrist once again and began dragging me through the small mass of people.

"Flavio, what the hell?!" I exclaimed.

"What? I was getting us a better view! Front and center!" He shouted back over the music.

I turned to go back to where we were, but he wouldn't let me. He gripped onto my arm like a leech and wouldn't budge whenever I moved. Finally defeated, I gave in and stood next to him at the front of the crowd.

"I'm doing this for you, ya know," Flavio scoffed at me. "It doesn't benefit me at all being here."

"Thanks for your kind service," I grumbled sarcastically. He didn't respond; either he didn't hear me or just ignored me. 

Roland didn't even seem to notice our presence, he was off in his own little world. I smiled as I watched him. How nice it must be to just be able to let go and do your thing like he was doing then and there.  He totally gobbled up all the attention he was getting.

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