Luka's First Day

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It was a quiet morning in the Megurine residence. Luki , Luka's older brother , was the first to wake. He sighed heavily, he wasn't a morning person. He checked the time on his phone. 7:12 AM, Not bad. He forced himself to sit up and go wake up his younger sister. Luka was a light sleeper, so he always tried his best to wake her up nicely. Knocking on her bedroom door, Luka slowly made her way to open the door. As she opened the door, Luki gave her a bear hug, saying "Good morning Luka~" Luka, who was flustered, tried to punch and kick her way out of the hug. "You do this every morning!" She yelled agitatedly.

After Luka took a quick shower, she made her way downstairs for a granola bar. It was about 7: 36 AM, and knowing Luki, he takes forever to get to school. Luka did not want to be late for school on her first day as a Sophomore. Luka's mom was making some coffee, offering the two some of it. Luka declined, but Luki accepted. Luka began to get angry because Luki was taking his sweet time adding the pounds and pounds of sugar to his coffee. Finally, he was done. Luki smiled at his younger sister michievously as he grabbed his bookbag and his keys, heading outside. Luka glared at the back of his head while following him, after she got her bookbag. It was a nice day outside, meaning it would be a nice day.

The car ride was about 6 minutes. "Okay Luka, all you want to do is go to the front desk as you walk in and tell them you're new and that you need your schedule. Got it?" Luka nodded nervously. Luki hugged his sister half way and called out to one of his friends. "Good luck, sis." Luki smiled and joined his group of friends. Luka's breath was shaky, what if she messed up on her first day? What if everyone rejects her? She shook her head and headed inside. People stared at her as she walked passed, but only because she was a new face. Luka went to the front desk like Luki asked. She asked in the most polite voice,"Hi, I'm uhm... New here.. I need my schedule." The lady behind the desk smiled and said "Okay. I hope you like it here. I'll call someone to escort you to the main office." The lady picked up a walkie talkie and began to page someone on it. Soon enough, A male student with long purple hair tied in a ponytail came to the front desk. "This is Gakupo, He's the vice president of the school committee. He'll be showing you to the main office." The lady behind said. This "Gakupo" dude gave off a bright vibe, so Luka smiled and the two set off for the main office.

Gakupo turned to Luka and said "So what's your name, newbie?" Luka, feeling as the two had clicked instantly, puffed her cheeks out and said "Luka." Gakupo smiled and said "Nice name. The main office is right here," he opened a door and everything was bright and surprisingly organized. "Hello, what may I help you with?" The man at the front desk asked. Gakupo closed the door behind the two and said "We have a newcomer and she would like to get her schedule." The man smiled at Luka and said," what's your name, miss?" Luka spluttered her name and the man printed out her schedule. Gakupo thanked the man and the two departed. Gakupo , after snatching her schedule from her, looked over her schedule. "Oh cool! We have all the same classes." "How ironic..." Luka smiled. Gakupo furrowed his eyebrows playfully and said "What's that supposed to mean?!" And pouted the rest of the way to their first period.

Luka's hands began to shake. What if everyone didn't like her and her personality? What if she doesn't make any friends? Pushing her anxiousness aside, she took a deep breath. Gakupo opened the door to the homeroom class and said "FELLOW STUDENTS, WE HAVE A NEW STUDENT!" The room went silent. Gakupo walked in and signaled Luka to come in. Reluctantly, she slowly walked in. She glanced at her classmates for a sec and looked down. "Introduce yourself, newbie." Gakupo teased. Luka looked up slowly and said "My name i-is Luka Megurine. I have transfered from Hollow highschool for certain reasons. I -Uhm- hope to have a nice school year here." She smiled and a girl at the back of the class stood up. She had short blonde hair with a ribbon on her head, her eyes were a deep sea blue. She said " My name is Rin Kagamine! Nice to meet you." She sat back down and the girl next to her stood up and said "I'm Gumi Megpoid." She smiled and put a strand of her short green hair behind her ear. Her green eyes shifted to the boy next to her. He slowly stood up. His hair was a lighter pink than Luka's and he wore a beanie on his head. " My names Yuuma." And slowly sat down, shifting his green eyes to Luka. Luka felt awkward and went to the boy next to him. He had blonde hair in a short ponytail and a strange type of bangs with deep sea blue eyes, presumingly Rin's brother. "Len Kagamine! I'm much more awesome than my sister over there." Rin slammed her fist on her desk, shooting up and yelled "Where's your proof, Mr. banana lover?" The two settled down for the sake of Luka. A girl in the next row who's white hair was in a low, long ponytail and had red eyes stood up and said nervously "H-Haku Yowane... I hope to be great friends with you." Luka smiled at the girl. The next girl stood up, her hair was a dark blonde in a side ponytail, but she was too busy texting and she said "Neru Akita. Blah blah nice to meet you." She looked up for a split second and went back to texting. The next girl was very lively. She had red hair in two twin drills and maroon eyes. "Hey!!! I'm Teto Kasane! I really like French bread. Hehe." The girl next to her, however, seemed shocked.

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