This wasn't supposed to happen

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Luka's eyes shot open. Her vision was blurry; she saw a variety of colors and panicked. Where was she?

She closed her eyes tightly and covered her eyes. Was she drugged? Luka thought it seemed far-fetched, but not unlikely. She removed her hands and opened her eyes. Everything was normal; her vision- at least. She realized three truths at the exact same time:

1. She passed out

2. She's in the hospital

3. She's surrounded by her friends

All of which were very bad. Luka did not want them here, nor did she want them to know about her unfortunate circumstances. She looked at the closest people next to her; Luki and Miku. She did not want Miku here, especially. She didn't want Miku to know about certain things about her past and the things tied along with it. But, there was a sense of relief for some odd reason; as though she could trust Miku. As if this wasn't the first time...

Luka would not stop to cover up her past, even if it meant deceiving her own best friends.

"Kaito can you stop drooling on me-please?! You've done this yesterday and you're doing it again!"Len cried.

"Len, please shut up. Other people are sleeping." Gumi said groggily. 

"Dude, I don't even KNOW I'm drooling. Stop blaming it on me like I'm doing it on purpose!" Kaito snarled.

"GUYS." Gakupo yelled, silencing them all.

Luka snickered, making (mostly) everyone's heads snap up.

"Wait... Kaito was drooling on Len? Aww, what were you guys doing; cuddling?" Luka teased. Len turned pink in embarrassment. "I have standards." Kaito snapped back to Luka," Wait, Miku rode with you in the ambulance and your mom told the paramedics that you two were dating? Aww; what is your relationship status?" Luka was taken back."Man, for these couple of hours I was out, it was G R E A T not having to put up with your sass. Wait, I take that back; It was great not dealing with Gakupo's sass, but let's not wake him up, okay?" The two shared a smile. Man, talk about love-hate friendships.

Luka did not want to wake the others, because they'll wake up Miku. It would open Pandora's box. She tapped Luki's head; he responded with a groan and mumbled something. His head rose. He blinked a few times before his vision caught up with his brain; his sister was awake! He launched at her, his arms wide open. He truly loved his sister. "I was so worried that..." Luki began. He did not need to continue, for Luka knew what he was going to say, and Luki knew she knew. "Yeah, me too." Luka's expression saddened, but she silently smiled.

"I'll go find mom," Luki announced. He smiled one last time at his sister as he left the room. Meiko woke up from the commotion and was about to scream with joy, but saw the apprehensive look Luka had. "Luka?" she said quietly. Luka's visage changed quickly into an odd smile,"Hey! How'd the measurements go?" Meiko felt something in deep in her body.. Anger? Of course; that was it. Luka was holding something back. "Oh... they went okay." Both girls felt the change in Meiko's tone of voice. Luka was upset. She had made her friend feel some type of way.

She wanted to cry so badly. Why was she doing everything wrong? Why did she let so many people into her walls? It wasn't fair to them.

Just when her tears were swelling in her eyes, Luki walked back in with their mom and a nurse. "Wow, this is a big group. I understand that you all deeply care for Ms. Luka, but only 3 visitors at a time. I will only let it slide today." Murmurs erupted from the ones who were awake. "I'm gonna have to ask you all to go out to the waiting room, I need to talk to Ms. Luka and her family." The awake ones left. Luki woke up the remaining, asleep friends. Miku was the first one he woke up and quickly dragged out of the room, fearful of her reaction and how Luka would react. He saw the pain in Luka's eyes whenever she looked at all of her friends. He knew what she was thinking.

Miku was barely awake, but all she knew was that she was walking. "Here Miku, sit with your brother. He'll explain everything to you." Miku mumbled a "yeah", not exactly listening to him as she fell asleep once again. 


"Something strange is going on with Luka." Meiko announced with a bittersweet expression. The reactions varied. "Well, duh. Why wouldn't there be? She probably feels bad for getting us all tied into this." Neru scoffed. "No shit Neru." Gakupo fidgeted, stretching his arms out, nearly hitting Gumi in the face.

"Watch it, man." Gumi hissed as she rubbed her eyes.

"Wait, what's this about Luka?" Miku murmured. Everyone's eyes fell on Miku. "She was awake." Kaito whispered, fearing Miku freaking out. "Oh. . . thats good." She responded. "You guys are missing the point. Something's wrong with Luka." Meiko said. "I could see it in her face." The group drew back into thought. Mikuo stood up. "Hey, let's not worry about it. The Megurine's have a lot on their plate right now. Let's go to the cafeteria and get our grub on." He announced. Everyone mumbled and agreement, not really wanting to leave.


"So, with that, that is all I have to say. Ms. Luka. You will be discharged in 2 days. We still are not sure what made you collapse, so we will continue running tests on you through out today and tomorrow." The docotor stated. Laura sighed out in relief and held on to Luki. But why, why did Luka feel so damn empty? Luka gulped. "Thank you, doctor." Luki said. The doctor nodded and left at once. Silence filled the air.

"Luka, did you hear? You'll be out in two days." Luki said, trying to bring his sister down back to earth. "Yeah." She replied coldly. She turned away from him, staring out of the window.

"Oh, Luka. . ." Laura exhaled. Luka sighed and twiddled with the hospital bed sheets. "I dont want any guests right now. Tell my friends to go home."

Luki made a sound of agreement. "Come on, mom." Luki said and he left swiftly. Luka heard her moms small footsteps move hesitantly.

After a few moments of nothing but silence, Luka exhaled deeply and broke down crying.

'I should have never involved myself with them. . . I don't want to hurt them.' Luka thought.


Full stomachs, the group talked about numerous things. How the ambulance ride went, dreams, each other, and what not.

Luki came up to Mikuo, and whispered something in his ear. "Are you sure?" Mikuo whispered softly. Luki shrugged. Laura soon caught up. "Everyone, may I have your attention?" She spoke up, and everyone's head turned to her. "Luka's fine. She's awake. They're gonna keep her for two days for more testing."

"But is she okay?" Haku whispered. Luki responded, "She will be. But she asked to be alone for the day."

Miku fell silent. "I'm going to go see her. No one object. No one agree. "

"Miku. She doesnt want to see anyone. You understand how she feels, right?" Mikuo said. Miku hesitated. "You're right. . . "

"I'll drive you all home. I'll talk to your parents to explain why you weren't home, if I have to." Laura stated. Everyone mumbled in agreement, not wanting to go, but getting up anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2019 ⏰

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