Becoming Friends

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They had finally reached the Megurine residence. Luka was very happy to have become buddies with Miku. Well, not exactly buddies yet. Luki had opened the house and he and Mikuo had vanished into Luki's room. Luka sighed and walked into the kitchen. Miku followed her like a lost puppy - she hadn't been here in the longest. Miku spotted an older looking Luka with black glasses washing the dishes. "Is that you, Luka?" The woman spoke. " Yes, mom. I've brought a friend!" The woman turned around suddenly and eyed Miku. "Well I'll be damned! Hello, Miku! Long time no see, huh?" Luka raised an eyebrow. 'How does mom know Miku?' Luka thought. She shrugged her shoulders and thought maybe because since she knew Mikuo, she knew Miku. Miku smiled a bit and said " Yeah... I didn't know if you guys moved or not..." Luka's mom sighed and said " Well, that was the original plan... but something told me Luka wouldn't like that." Luka was way perplexed. What were they rattling on about? "Mom, can you make us some iced tea?" Luka asked. "Of course, Honey." Luka beckoned Miku to the door and told her mom "We'll be upstairs, so give us a shout!" They quickly went upstairs, and went into Luka's room. The walls were a soft pink and everything in her room was neat. Luka plopped on her bed, and Miku sat next to her.

"So, Miku, let's start with the English homework, unless you would like to start something else?" Miku shook her head and said "No, English is fine. I like the English homework anyway. Since we are in advanced English, we get to write short stories about anything. And if Mrs. Ritsu likes it, she'll submit it to the school newspaper. How cool is that?" Luka smiled at how fascinated Miku was. Luka thought it was cute. Not that Luka thought Miku was cute. Well, she was cute, adorable even- Luka decided to stop thinking on the matter. She realized how close they were and Miku smelt like fabric softener. She loved that smell. Luka went through her book bag, in search of her favorite folder. The folder was pink and had a tuna sticker on it. Even better, it was a scratch-and-sniff. Luka resisted sniffing the sticker like a madman, she didn't want to freak Miku out. Miku took her phone out and started playing the band that her and Luka had the same interest in. Luka gave Miku a knowing smile.

"So, the theme for this short story would be..... What??" Luka asked confused. Miku smiled and said "I don't quite understand it myself. 'Describe your thoughts about a person(s) that matter most to you.' I guess once you pick a person, it really isn't that hard." Luka nodded. She decided to do Luki and her parents. Luka closed her eyes and tried to word her thoughts about her family. 'Pink.... A lot of pink.... Tuna..... Tuna...' And like that, her spark of inspiration died. Miku, however, was scribbling away. "Wow Miku, you like writing stories, do you?" Miku blushed slightly and fumbled with the hem of her school skirt. "Y-yeah... I've never really expressed my love for writing to anyone. Everyone at Crypton High is there to become an idol. I'm not even sure what I want to do with my life." Luka turned to look at Miku and said "Well, I'm glad I'm the first." Miku blushed even more and Luka asked "Anyway, whoever you're writing about must be very special. Care to tell?" Miku stopped completely. "Uh.... M-Mikuo. He's always been there for me." Miku lied. "Well can I read?" Luka asked politely. Miku decided to let her read since she did not specify the gender of the person.

"Their inner beauty shines through them. Every time they talk, I dose off. Seeing them laugh and smile makes my day. They deserve more than what they get. They mean the whole world to me. Losing them would be vital. They are my world. The very thought of them keeps me going. You could say, in a sense,-" That was all Miku had written. Luka was astonished. She patted Miku on the back and said "I love it. Mikuo should be happy to be admired by you ." Miku smiled sadly and said "yeah." 'One day.' Miku thought.

"Say, Miku, do you think you could help me do this? I'm not really a mushy person." Luka sighed. "What! I refuse to believe that! Just by the look of your face I can obviously tell you're a mushy person!" Miku retorted playfully. Luka laughed and Miku giggled a bit. "Yeah, but I mean I don't know how to express my thoughts into writing. Well, except for song writing. But my songs suck anyway." Luka joked. Miku smiled. "Well, who do you plan yours to be about?" "My family." Luka smiled. " Well, what are the - oh my god is that a scratch-and-sniff sticker???" Luka flushed and attempted to hide her folder. "Luka, its okay. I have one too, BUT WITH LEEKS." Miku smiled and pulled out a teal folder with a leek sticker on it. Luka grinned and the two exchanged their folders and sniffed the stickers. After the two stared at each other and broke into fits of laughter, they continued with their work.

"I think your story should go something along the lines of 'Pink hair flowing through the wind, blue eyes that are so satisfying, caring,' you know- the mushy stuff. Sorry, I'm not good with expressing my thoughts through speech." Miku apologized. Luka said "Its okay. Anyway, I think that's good- wait no mushy stuff. What did I tell you, Miku!?" Miku snapped her fingers and muttered,"Rats! My plan would have worked if it weren't for you meddling kids!" She pointed at Luka and her posters of TV shows behind her. "Miku, you're such a nerd." Luka sighed playfully. "Thanks for the help anyway. I'll use what you said and try to write something." Miku nodded and hummed along to the music that was playing .

The two girls had plenty of fun doing their homework. Singing, cracking jokes, making references, and just plain having fun. The two girls had completely ignored Luka's mother call them for their iced tea for the hundredth time, so she gave it to Luki and Mikuo. Finally, the teal siblings had to leave. Luka wanted to go with Luki because it would be rude to let company go home by themselves. She and Miku sat close to each other, listening to their favorite band. Slowly, Miku layed her head on Luka's shoulder. Luka smiled softly and put her head back. 'Today was a good day.' Luka thought before drifting off to sleep.


Mikuo woke the two girls up. Luka slowly became aware of her surroundings, and blushed furiously at seeing a sleeping Miku on her shoulder. Luka shook Miku gently and stepped out the car. Miku followed shortly after. Mikuo wouldn't stop giggling. Neither would Luki. "Well, bye Miku." Luka smiled. "Good night, Luka." The two girls hugged and Luka got in the passenger seat. "Bye, Luki. See you tomorrow." Mikuo giggled. Luki snickered and said "See ya." "Wait, Luka!" Luka turned to Miku. "G-Give me your number... So I can text you." Miku blushed. Luka smiled and wrote her number down on a napkin. Miku bid her farewell and Luki began driving off.

"You guys seem like good friends,"Luki snickered. "Possibly more than friends." Luka turned red and shouted "I just met her!" "That's what you think, Fish-lover." Luka slapped Luki's arm playfully and said "Shut up."

They were only friends.



Yay, chapter two!

Thanks for reading :3

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