Chapter Eight: Decisions, decisions...

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Last chapter left off with Sophia asking Ethan if he loved her, yadda yadda yadda. Let's get on with this, shall we?


I mentally gasped, that wasn't what I was going to ask him. I was going to ask him if he would keep visiting Avory even though it meant seeing me almost everday. But, no, I had asked the unthinkable. I had asked if he loved me! By the look on his face, he was utterly shocked. He was shocked to the point where no words came out! And we weren't near my uncle's House yet. Therefore, I had to endure an answer, silence, or both. We were headed in the complete direction of silence. Thank god but, say something! I don't want to sit here like an embarassed idiot! "Don't answer that," I added quickly. "It's an irrelevant question!" Hurry up and get me out of here, I prayed.

He looked at me through the corners of his eyes and I felt the car slow down. He pulled the car to the side of the road, out of the way of the cars that followed behind us. He turned the engine off and took out the keys, placing them on the dashboard in front of him. "What are you doing," I asked.

"We obviously we need to talk," he pished my hand away when I tried to reach for the keys. Even the littlest touch sent my heart racing in circles. "Because you being so damn clueless is pissing me off."


"I love you Sophia!" The confession caught me by suprise. "How could you not see that?!" He talked to me as if I were dumb. As if it were my job to notice those things. But how was I supposed to know?! That kiss on the cheek? Well anybody could have done that! I couldn't read into people's minds!

"Yeah," I yelled back. "Like I saw how much you loved me back then but look what happened!" He flinched lowered his eyes. "You think I'm supposed to trust you now? Last time I did, you took away my life! What are you going to take now? Avory?" This argument was taking a turn for the worst. It was so bad that we were now yelling back and forth at each other.

"I wouldn't do that," he shouted but then softened his tone. "I couldn't do that."

"Then why did you leave me?" I, too, lowered my voice. I've learned that yelling at people doesn't get anyone anywere. If I wanted to trust Ethan, I needed him to tell me the exact reason why he left and whether he regretted it or not. "Why didn't you stay?" My vioce had gotten quieter due to the fact that I was trying to hide the tiny cracks within it. I looked down to prevent him from seeing me cry. I didn't want him to know that he hit a soft spot and twist and abuse it to his power.

"I had heard he wasn't mine," he replied. "And I was mad at you. Mad because I thought you had sex with some other guy. Even then, I thought that, even if he wasn't mine, I wanted to stay with you. But I didn't know how to approach you." He paused. "But then your mom told me you got a paternaty test just to make sure and the father turned out to be me. That's when I decided that I needed to find you and find out what it would take for us to be a family." What it would take for us to be a family, huh? That was an interesting wuesiton because even I didn't know. "But first, we need to start with us." He lifted me head and wiped a tear from my cheek with his thumb. "I still love you, Sophia. Do you still love me?" I couldn't speak, I was crying to hard. But I nodded only for him to draw me into a hug, kissing me on the forehead, just like he did when we were sixteen.


After that, I was awake long enough to explain where Uncle Mike's house was and then passed out. Crying, for me, took a lot of energy and I tried to keep my eyes open but they finally shut. But I'd rather be awake for the rest of my life than replay the dream I had:

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