Chapter Nine: We Can Make This Work

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A/N: Ello! I finally updated because people were asking me too. But I feel bad... people shouldn't ask me to update, I should do it automatically >.> But here it is! ENJOYYY!!!!


Okay, so we did end up going to the beach in Ethan's car. Yeah, I was suprised too 'cause, first of all, I didn't know he went and got his car. He said he felt like a loser who drives girls car 'cause he couldn't afford one. Pretty far-fetched but I didn't complain. It saved more gas for me and his car was so... expensive.

So, I know an expensive car when I see one and this was an expensive car. Don't believe me? Tell me a Kia Optima isn't expensive. Can't tell me? That's because you know it is expensive and no kid his age should be able to own one... yet. But, apparently they could because he had one. I was so shocked that I ended up asking him how he got it. He replied with a shrug while saying, "My dad." Now that wasn't suprising because Ethan's dad wouldn't care if he dropped a five hundred dollar bill. That's the type of guy he was. He just threw money at people because he had too much.

There was an awkward silence that hung between us. I mean, look, I'm new to this. I spent the past two years convincing myself that I hated him and here I was headed to the beach with him. So obviously there was going to be a little bit of awkward somewhere. I fidgeted in my seat, uncomfortable with the silence. I wanted to talk about something that would lighten the mood a little. "So," he started. "I've been thinking." Okay, pause! His version of thinking is over thinking in anyone else's head. This means that whatever he's about to say has been on his mind for a while. "We should probably go get counseling. You know, ones for couples."

I laughed because I that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard. "Very funny."

When I looked to him, his face showed no sight of amusment. He was being totally serious, so serious that it was scary. "I'm serious, Sophie. I mean, look at us!" He motioned to himself and me. It was then that I realized that I unknowingly sat squished against the door, leaving space between us. "This isn't normal."

"Well what do you expect," I asked, skeptical as to what he was trying to say. There was no way in hell that we needed counseling. "Would you like it if I were all over you while you were driving?"

I watched him as he gripped the steering wheel. One jerk to either side would send us flying to our death. "I'm serious, Sophia!" He didn't use my nickname, meaning he wasn't planning on being the nice guy anymore. "I don't want to live with this," he vigorously made a motion between the two of us. "For the rest of my life." I scoffed; he was blowing this way out of proportion. We were supposed to have a nice day at the beach not a stupid argument on the way there. "I had to sleep on the couch last night because every time I tried to get close to you, you'd push away. In your sleep!" Okay, there was nothing I could say to that. I was sleep for heaven's sakes! How was I supposed to know what I was doing!? "Just think about it."

There was this pleading look on his face that I just couldn't stand. I couldn't stand to look at him and say no because I was afraid he'd break down and cry. At this point, I really didn't know how stable he was. He had ran his fingers through his hair at least a million times and his right hand was white due to his tight grip on the steering wheel. "We have to make this work, Sophie," he looked into the rearview mirror, at Avory, who was currently occupied by the sea of water outside the car. "We have to."

"I know," I placed my hand on his, and gripped it when he loosened his hold on the wheel. "We will."


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