Chapter 2

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I looked at him confused as he ran off into the woods. I'm a demon? How is that possible? I looked down and then looked back up and I could no longer see Elliott. I started to walk but then without realizing it i was running after him, almost like I was being controlled. I ran into the woods after him. I was running for awhile when I came across a big spot without any snow and everything was brunt to the ground. There was still a part of a builing there. I waked up to it. Most of it was brunt black or gone. I looked around to see what could have caused this fire.

This looked like it happened awhile back but I could still see skulls and bones lying in the ashes. But why would this one spot not be covered in snow? One thing stood out to me the most. It was this glass like box with what looks like a metal head piece and a metal choker? Hm weird. I picked it up and it was really cold and started to glow, it scared me so I threw it back down. It kept glowing then It started to shake. The next thing I know everything went white.

I looked around but I couldn't see a thing. I felt a sharp stab go through my head. It was so painful. I couldn't help but scream. I screamed so loud I thought the whole town could hear me. The next thing I felt was a burning feeling around my neck. Like something was burning into my neck. I couldn't handle the pain anymore. Everything went black...

When I woke up I was still lying on the ground but it was now covered in snow. I could still feel a stinging feeling on my neck and head. I felt my neck only to feel a cold choker on my neck. My eyes widened. Then I slowly lifted my hand higher till it was at my head and my eyes widened even more when I found the head piece on my head. What the fuck?  I got up and i had trouble standing at first and my head hurt badly but I started to walk around slowly. Until something caught my eye. Something bright. Something, burning. Fire.

I started to follow the fire. As it got closer and closer if got bigger and bigger and right in the middle of it, was a person. I wanted to run back but, it was almost like i was trapped there. Next to the guy in the middle of the huge fire. Some how I managed to run back to the building. As I was running I looked back and saw the fire starting to spread. It was following me. I made it back to the snow cover land with half the building on it and stopped. What do i do? Stay out here and possibly get killed by what ever that is? Or run into the building for shelter but risk having in cave in on top of me?

I didn't know what to do. I looked behind me and saw the fire getting closer. I could now see slightly the person in the middle of it. He was floating in the middle with his head hung down. His whole body looked limp. Almost like he was hung. His hair covering his face. He looked, scary. I looked back at the building then back at him. I decided to take the chaced of having the building collapsed on top of me. Running into what's left of the building i heard a scream. I looked back and saw the guy screaming at me. Or was he screaming at the building? Was he afraid of this building? Is he the one who burned it down? I looked back in side the building and saw tables and needles and knife. I also saw a sign saying lab 3 right by a room. I looked inside the room and saw a hanging rope coming down from the ceiling. Just then it hit me like a dream.

There's Elliott sitting on the floor of lab 3 covered in blood. He was in a fight with one of the other "lab rats" they punished him by chaining him up and whipping him with a leather whip that had glass pieces in it. He was coughing up blood all over the floor. He got up and started to scream. They came in and shot him but it did nothing. They tried to drug him but that didn't work either. The next thing I know he is out of the chains and there was fire all around him. They pressed a button that made a hanging rope come down from the ceiling, they wrapped it around his neck without him noticing cause he was catching the building on fire and pressed the button again and hung him so quickly.

He started to do compulsive movements and blood started to pour out of his mouth. Then building crashes down. He stops moving. People are burning to death. So people try to escape but fail cause they get trapped in the roof that is falling. The boy comes out of the corner of the room that has blond hair and press the button and release Elliott. Is that me? He pulls the rope off his neck and rubs it. The two boys start to walk out when they come across another boy with raven black hair and blue eyes. Adam? The three boys start to walk out of the building when the roof collapses. Elliott jumps over the two boys with his wings covering the three of them protecting them. They get out of the collapse and run out of the building and watch it burn. They hear sirens and run into the woods.

Elliott did this. I was there. So was Adam. Are we all demons? I walked back out of the building to see Elliott is gone. I start to walk out of the woods. Taking the head piece off and walk home in the light snow that is falling. I stop for a minute and look up at the sky.

"Can it stop snowing!?!"

Just as I said that it stopped snowing. Did I just do that?  Hm.

"Let it snow!"

It started to snow again. Cool. I just let it keep snowing lightly and made it to my house. I opened the door to find my dad and mom standing there waiting for me. Uh oh.

"Where were you?!" My dad asked

"I went for a walk."

He looked at my neck. His eyes widened in terror.

"W-what is that on your neck?" Oh we go...

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