Chapter 5

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I looked around completely shocked. My dad was pinned on the ground with Elliott hovering over top of him. Elliott looked like he wanted to kill him.

"Don't EVER hurt her again! Or you will fucking know it.."  Elliott growled at our dad. You could see the fear in our father's eyes. "Do you fucking understand?"  I looked at my mom while dad just nodded at Elliott. Elliott let go of him and he got off of him and walked over to me pissed.

Mom went over to dad and helped him up. He looked at her and then at Elliott. "Honey let's go..."  And with that he walked away from the three of us. Mom walked over to us and hugged Elliott again

"Come over whenever you want sweetie. You are always welcomed."  She let go of him and began to walk away only to stop and turn back around. "Oh and Tommy, don't come home to late, okay?"  I just nodded as Elliott put an arm around me. "Take care of him, Elliott!"

"I will."  And with that she got in the car and they drove away. I looked up at Elliott and smiled. "Whatcha smiling at?"  he asked tilting his head.

"You."  We both started to laugh. "Where do you wanna go?"  I asked, forgetting where we were going.

"Hmmmm...the park?"  I looked at him in the eyes and smiled more.

"Sure!"  His eyes lit up and he started to laugh

"YAY!"  and with that he was running through the snow toward the park. He is one hyper guy. I followed him towards the park.

I arrived at the park just in time to see Elliot make a running start and proceed to gracefully dive into the deeper parts of the snow. He emerged from the powdery snow shortly after, pumping his fists into the air.

"My everything is numb!" He proclaimed loudly, his grin brighter than a kid on a sugar-high during Christmas. "Worth it!"

I couldn't help but laugh. My brother may be almost a adult but he was always a kid at heart.

He clambered out of the deeper part, kicking his legs as he walked in a attempt to shake off the snow. Once he was finally out, he ran up to me and grasped my wrist tightly.

"We should build a snowman!" He suggested, looking at me giddily.

"Snowman?" I eyed him, my eyebrows raised. "Shouldn't we be checking you for hypothermia first?"

Elliot waved his hand dismissively. "Oh please, I'm FINE." He insisted. "Besides, you gotta be jolly during Christmas! What's more jolly then making a happy old Frosty?"

"Not dying of hypothermia?" I suggested.

"Come on!" He whined. "Pleeeease?" He tugged at my wrist even more.

"Okay, fine." I agreed, giving him a smile. "We'll make a Frosty."

"Awesome!" He shouted, running over to another area in the park, continuing to talk as he started packing bits of snow together to form a snowball. "Besides, Frosty's a happy guy who makes miracles happen!"

"You're thinking of Santa. That, or Jesus." I pointed out.

"Whatever. My point is if he makes miracles happen then maybe he can make my 'dad' stop being such a huge piece of shit." He put the snowball on the ground. "Help me roll this!"

 I started to help him roll it on the ground, the tiny snowball becoming bigger and bigger. "Thanks for doing that, man. I mean granted it near terrified me but thanks."

"Well the jackass deserved it! I don't know why she's still with that jerk..." He muttered angrily. "I mean, she's so nice and sweet. She needs someone better! Not some lousy, no-good..."

"Uh, Elliott..."

"Stupid, ignorant, abusive..."


"Piece of shit, loathsome..."


He looked up at me. "What?"

"You're melting the snow." I said, pointing at the now mushy pile for emphasis.

He looked down, pretend-gasping. "No! Mr. Frosty!" He knelt down, his knees sinking into the snow. "Don't worry! I'll give you CPR!"

"That would just melt the snow even more" I pointed out.

"Yeah, well...shit." He sighed, slumping his shoulders. "I murdered a children's icon." He looked at me trying to be sad, but instead starts to laugh rolling onto his back and leaving a big Elliott-shaped imprint in the process.

I couldn't help but laugh with him, lightly punching him in the shoulder. I looked away from him for two seconds and the next thing I know I'm being playfully pinned in the snow. I screamed and look up at Elliott only to really look at his eyes; they showed playfulness and happiness. 

"No get off me!" I laughed while trying to push him off me. 

"NEVER!" He laughed at me and put snow on top of me.

"NOOO!" I tried to push him off and he rolled off me laughing. "Very funny Elliott" I pouted and turned my head to the side. 

"Aw, come on. I know you're happy!" Elliot grinned, which cause my mouth to twitch upwards. "See? You're doing it right now."

"No I'm noooot." I whined.

"You are SO bad at being a grump." Elliot crossed his arms. "Stop trying to be a old Scrooge. You know you love me!"

"Yeah, I do." I admitted. With that, Elliot practically jumped at me once more but this time wrapped his arms around me.

"See? Bad at being a grump." Elliot teased. "Come on, let's go and get ice-cream!"

"Ice-cream? Aren't we cold enough?" I asked, causing him to snort.

"Oh, so you don't want ice-cream?" Elliot asked. "Cause' if that's the case I'll gladly eat a whole tub myself..."

"Don't you even think about it!" I interrupted, grinning.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's get some!" And with that he grabbed my hand and began to run.

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