I'm Not O-Fucking-Kay

384 61 35

Rimise la lettera dentro la busta, con le mani tremanti e il viso bagnato di lacrime.
La sua vita aveva improvvisamente perso senso, non aveva quasi la forza di respirare.
- La-La camera di Frank c'è ancora? -
- Come l'ha lasciata lui. -
Gerard semplicemente si alzò, portandosi dietro la lettera, e andò in camera di Frank.
Era vero: non era cambiata di una virgola. Si chiuse dentro, aprì l'armadio e prese la felpa con le ossa, quella che indossava più spesso. La mise, rabbrividendo con un lieve sorriso.

- Ha ancora il tuo odore, amore mio... -

Si sdraiò nel letto, abbracciando la lettera. Cominciò a cantare, piano e sull'orlo di piangere, la canzone che su faceva strada nella sua testa.

So long to all my friends
Everyone of them met tragic ends
With every passing day
I'd be lying if I didn't say
That I miss them all tonight
And if they only knew what I would say

If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
One day I'll lose this fight
As we fade in the dark
Just remember you will always burn as bright

Be strong and hold my hand
Time—it comes for us, you'll understand
We'll say goodbye today
And I'm sorry how it ends this way
If you promise not to cry
Then I'll tell you just what I would say

If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I'll fail and lose this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember you will always burn as bright

The light behind your eyes
The light behind your

Sometimes we must grow stronger and
You can be stronger when I'm gone
When I'm here, no longer
You must be stronger and

If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes
I failed and lost this fight
Never fade in the dark
Just remember you will always burn as bright
The light behind your eyes.

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora