5 - A Stroll in the Park

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The next morning, when I woke up, my first thought was about yesterday. It felt like a magical dream. But it wasn't. It was as real as it could be. I had really met Benedict Cumberbatch, had a first row seat at the so-called 'setlock', I joined him, Martin and Amanda for dinner and not to stop there, I had Benedict's number on my phone. His real number. I couldn't believe it!

I waited for my phone to make the sound that I had got a text, but I figured, why would he text me? I stood right in the middle of my room while holding my phone. Should I text him? No, I don't want to bother him. Still, he said he would like to show me London.

Maybe it was too early in the morning. 8.30am, is that early? Oh, all those thoughts running inside my head. I mean, imagine if it happened to you; meeting your favourite celebrity, your idol, just like that and by the end of the day, he or her gave you their number.


I checked my phone and saw a message. It was from Benedict and my heart skipped a beat.

"Hi, Clary!

It's me, Benedict. Sorry if I woke you up. Hope it's not too early, but I was just wondering if you still want a guide for today?
Let me know as soon as you can.


I couldn't help but smiling to myself as I read his message. He really did mean it. And he wrote 'Ben' in the end. He's absolute adorable. I tried to find a good way to answer him, and if I should put my name in the end. He did have my number, but since he did it, I chose to do it as well.


Yeah, if you still want, I would love to have you as my guide. Does 10am sound good?
Oh, and by the way, you didn't wake me up.


Not long after I got a respond from him, saying it sounded perfect and that he would meet me outside the student housing. During the time before, I took a shower, put on some makeup and got dressed. I choose my favourite skinny, dark blue jeans to go with a white summer top and my dark brown leather jacket. I fixed my curly hair and put it up in a ponytail, with two locks hanging down on each side of my head.

I looked at myself in the mirror to try to gather some confident.

"Okay, I can do this," I said to myself.

I went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Even though the university hasn't started, it was available to use the kitchen and living room here.

After eating my breakfast, the clock showed 9.55am. He must be here soon. I cleaned up after myself, went back to my room and grabbed my wallet before heading outside.

It was a warm summer's day, and a cooling wind was in the air, making sure it wasn't too warm. I stood and waited for two minutes before I saw a silver jaguar coming up the street. It stopped right beside me, and the driver rolled down the window.

"Good morning, Clary. Jump in," Benedict said with his lovely voice and gentle smile.


"Where would you like to go first?" Benedict asked as we drove around in London. He controlled the car so gentle and the car responded well to his movements.

"Everywhere," I told him.

"Okay," he chuckled. "How about we drive for now and you'll tell me to stop of there's something you want to see up close?"

"Sounds like an idea," I said and gave him a smile to which he responded before keeping his eyes on the road again.

"We drove around for at least half an hour before Benedict pulled over.

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