The Announcement that changed Everything

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Maya's POV:

So just to re-cap. A few hours ago Farkle not only asked me to go steady with him, but to marry him when we got old enough! I was so excited! I can't believe that i am engaged to Farkle Minkus. I never thought in a million years this would happen. But i am so glad that it did.

We haven't had the chance to tell anyone yet. Considering we had to rush home, it was after midnight. I was tired but so excited and pumped. We all got a cab ride on the way home. I very briefly fell asleep on Farkle's shoulder. It was nice and relaxing. I think Riley fell asleep too.

By the time we all got back, everyone was too tired to ask us what happend. I went to Riley's room to say goodnight to her, i was going to sleep on the couch; but Mr. Matthews insisted on me sleeping on a inflatable mattress. Farkle ended up doing the same thing. Lucas was allowed to sleep next to Riley (surprisingly). After a conversation with Topanga. I don't remember much after that, only that me and Farkle made out a bit before falling asleep (which was the perfect way to end the night).

The Next Morning:

No One's POV:

Riley and everyone else in the apartment woke up with dazed memories of last night. And everyone was eager to ask the friends what had happen that made everyone (especially Maya) so happy (not that they didn't like it).

The smell of waffels and french toasts lingered throughtout the apartment. Topanga had been up before anyone else making breakfast. Which would only last five minutes. The excitement slowly died down into tiredness. Cory's parents were still at the apartment along with Josh. He definatley had a few questions for Maya. Not that he wasn't happy for her.

The first person to get out of bed (surprisingly) was Auggie. He felt drowsy but not tired enough to sleep anymore. Shawn appeared only a short while later, hair dishuffled and yawning. And soon everyone else along with him. Riley was too tired to get up and even refused a few times.

By 10:30 everyone was up, And not everyone was excited about it either . No one was ready to ask about last night. They were like zombies in front of the TV. Auggie had fallen back to sleep on Josh's shoulder after five minutes. (Which everyone decided to post pictures of.)

Finally after what seemed like forever, Uncle Shawn decided to break the ice.

S:so what happend last night that everyone was so happy about?

Riley, Lucas, Maya and Farkle all looked at each other, trying to determine how to answer the question. There was no way around it, they were going to have to tell everyone eventually.

"Well..."Riley said "Many things happend."


Riley turned to Maya. She just nodded her head.

R:We all have something very important to tell you.

T:alright. we are all listening.

Maya decided to tell her part first.

M:Well, you know how me and Farkle are pretty much in love with each other?

Everyone except Riley and Lucas nodded their heads.

M:well last night, not only did Farkle ask to go steady with me...

Maya said trying to get another sentence in, but everyone said:


M:ya. We are now going steady. But that's not all.

She paused looking around. Then back to Farkle.

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