"Right Annabelle, I just need you to lay on the bed there and we'll get these tests started. I have a few questions for you beforehand though is that okay?" Jennifer (aka the pack doctor) said to me.
"Sure" I said, I loved Jennifer she was only a few years older than me but her mum had been the pack doctor before her, if they were really busy then she would work and help at the moment she was doing the tests with Tyler. The same doctor wasn't allowed to do the tests on the mates incase they were biased for one of the wolves.
"Right, have you shifted yet?"
"Yeah I have"
"Does your wolf talk to you often?"
"Yeah she talks to me every day"
"Is there any particular things she says?"
"Not really we just talk about random things, she did say to me that one day she will have to tell me something that will change my life forever" I said with confusion remembering the day when Kayla told me that, it was the third time she had ever spoken to me I was only seven years old and I was sitting by the lake when she told me.
"What is your wolf's name?"
"Will you allow Kayla control over your body, I wish to speak with her if that is okay?"
"Sure" I then allowed Kayla full control over my body while I took a back seat I knew my eyes were now my wolf's rainbow coloured eyes, I never understood why my eyes were like that usually a wolf's eyes were red for a rouge, black when angry or green or blue.
Kayla's POV (Annabelle's wolf)
"Hi Jennifer, whats up?" I asked Jennifer she had such a kind soul and her wolf was lovely, I had known her wolf in my past life.
"Hi Kayla, I don't mean to sound rude but how can your eyes be rainbow coloured?" You could see the confusion written all over her face.
"Well you see my name isn't really Kayla, I use that name because not many people know what to call me, I am all the goddesses put into one" I could feel Annabelle's shock and I saw her jaw drop "I'm sorry I never told you Annabelle but we had to wait for our mate to come and then I had to wait until I knew you was really ready to tell you"
"What do you mean you are all the goddesses put into one?"
"Well I was one of the first ever born wolves many centuries ago I mainly took my roles as human form I have been known as Aphrodite, the goddess of love and fertility, Arianrhod, the goddess of fertility, rebirth and the weaving of time and fate, Artemis, the goddess of the hunt, nature and birth, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom and domestic crafts, Bast, the egyptian cat goddess who protected pregnant woman and children, Ceres, the goddess of agriculture, Ceridwen, the goddess of moon, magic, agriculture, nature, poetry, language, music, art, science and astrology, Demeter. the goddess of the harvest, Diana, the goddess of the hunt and wild animals, Eirene, the goddess of peace, Eos, the goddess of sun/dawn, Epona, the goddess and protector of horses, donkeys and mules, Ereshkigal, the goddess of Attalu, the land of the dead and ancestrial memories, Freya, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, wealth, war, divination and magic, Frigg, the goddess of marriage, childbirth, motherhood, wisdom, household management and weaving and spinning, Hathor, the goddess of music, dancing, joy and fertility, Hebe, the goddess of youth, Hekate, the goddess of wild places, childbirth and the crossroads, Hella, the goddess of the realm of the dead, Hera, the goddess of marriage and birth, Hestia, the goddess of the Greek pantheon, Inanna, the goddess of love, war and fertility, Indunn, the goddess of youth and springtime, Iris, the goddess of rainbow and messenger to gods, Isis, the goddess of many things but I am known mainly for life and magic, Juno, the goddess of marriage, pregnancy and childbirth, Maat, the goddess of truth, justice and balance, Minerva, the goddess of wisdom, medicine and crafts, Nike, the goddess of victory, Rhea, the goddess of fertility of soil and women, Selene, the goddess of the moon, Themis, the goddess of divine justice, order and customs, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, Vesta, the goddess and guardian of the sacred flame and finally, the moon goddess, the goddess of all wolves. I can shift into anything that I or Annabelle wish although up until now she has never known about this, she has many powers because I am her wolf, whenever she does shift I have always allowed her wolf to be a simple grey wolf"
"H-H-How is that possible?" Jennifer was completely awestruck.
"I am sure your mother has told you the story about how when Annabelle's mother was pregnant with her and Mellissa, Annabelle died within the womb but they couldn't take her out as it would have harmed Mellissa?"
"Yes I have heard that story but when she was born she was healthy as ever"
"Yes well that was because of me, I knew the life that she was due to have I knew that she needed a wolf and I needed a new body so I bought Annabelle back from the dead and I became her wolf"
"Wow, does anyone else know about this?"
"No I haven't told anyone else but I would wish to tell Alpha and Luna Hale, would you be able to call them in here for me please Jennifer?"
"O-Of course"
"Don't feel nervous around me my child" I said with a smile. Suddenly their was a knock on the door and the Alpha and Luna came in and they bowed their heads straight away, damn I forgot to hide my Aura, my Aura is more powerful than all Alphas put into one.
"What is going on?" Alpha Hale asked he couldn't understand why he bowed to me.
"I have just told Jennifer and Annabelle as she had no clue who I am and I thought it was time that you found out as well"
"What do you mean?" I then went into tell them exactly what I had told Jennifer about who I am.
"Wait so you mean to tell us that you are the moon goddess, the creator of our kind and you can shift into anything?" Alpha Hale asked.
"Would you be able to prove it? Shift into another creature?"
"Sure, do you have any preferances?"
"Yes shift into a saboothtooth tiger"
"Okay" And that is exactly what I shifted into, you could see the shock on all their faces. I shifted back to my human form, fully clothed.
"Wow, show us your full aura, I wish to see if it is real as the goddess aura is meant to be so powerful that everyone around her falls to the ground"
"Are you sure you want the full aura?"
"Yes" As soon as I realesed part of it they was already sinking but as soon as I let the rest out they was on the ground bowing with their hands across the heart to simbolize their respect for me, I drew my aura back in.
"Now do you believe me Alpha?"
"Yes, how did our son become your mate? I thought you was the one who chose who mates who"
"Tyler has a kindred spirit, he has a whole heart and from the moment I bought Annabelle back from death I knew Tyler was to be her mate as the two of them were perfect for one another and myself and Jacob, Tyler's wolf have a connection from many years ago"
Hey everyone what do you think?
I know the goddesses are greek, egyptian, celtic and all over stuff but I thought it would be cool if she was the goddess of different cultures.
Let me know what you think please.
Thanks (:

The Alpha & the Geek.
WerewolfAnnabelle Rose Chase was classed as the school nerd, her sister Mellissa was miss popular and was dating Tyler Hale the soon-to-be Alpha. What happens when on Tyler's 18th birthday he realises he has been with the wrong sister all along and Annabell...