Chapter Two:Eye Of The Needle

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   The water was calm and collected, not a single wave at all. The surfers, highly disappointed went home with their surf boards to find some else to do with their time. The children cried and the shops made no money, their only attraction the beach, was doing so much as attracting nothing today.
Well, one person.
She rose once more out of the Ocean looking for somebody in particular; you.

Malachite's P.O.V.
Where is she?
I saw her here a few nights ago, I tapped my feet impatiently on the spot she was standing nights before. Her smell was long gone, swept away by the waves.
I'll be back.
There was nothing I could do, i'll just have to wait and see, I slinked down in silence as a child cried in horror, dropping it's ice-cream in the process.

Reader's P.O.V.
The day was boring no customers had come, not a single one. Usually, each on our slower days we had at the very least ten people and we didn't even has two today.
I had eaten must of the merchandise myself. I picked at my vanilla ice-cream, it was melted anyway. Screams and shouts were all around, it wasn't the fourth of July
I got up out of my chair; my curiosity got the best of me.
Leaving my post, several people ran past me, shouting obscenities an other harsh words. I didn't see nothing myself, the waves were back at least, whatever was there was gone, it'll be back.
I ran back to my job, a long-line of people awaiting already.
I didn't notice the yellow eyes gleaming at me from the rocky shore until I had bent down to pick up some cones on the lower shelves. I dropped the ice-cream in horror.
"Ah, watch what your doing back there!" Some old men with his daughter yelled across the counter.
'Snobby old people' But my attitude stayed positive.
"what about another one, this one on the house?"
The man grumbled in reply, that was a yes.
When I looked back there was nothing there.
The hours flew by with no sight of her.
But that didn't stop me from looking. She still wasn't there, next thing I knew my shift was over and it was time for me to lock up. I walked on the board-walk it wasn't night just yet, I could go for a swim. I undressed myself,
yes, I was going to go swimming nude, nothing was going to see me naked anyway.
I swam around laughing and swimming with the fishes. I never wanted to go back, life was so lonely sometimes. I got caught off guard, deep in thought I swam out towards to see, I didn't see nothing besides blue around me.
I didn't know whether to scream or to panic, I looked up at the upcoming moon sighing at my misfortune. Lost at sea was where I wanted to be exactly. Not my idea of a get away.
My discomfort didn't last long when the water beneath me turned into a darker hue of blue almost black, darker then the color around me, I screamed in panic. A large hand came from the water taking me below the water with a sudden wave, the current pushed me closer to the creature in the water, and water filled my lungs as I tried to scream.
I couldn't swim in the harsh waters and I was almost out of breath when light green eyes met my own, 'Malachite?' I thought quietly to my self, I was losing oxygen quick and my lungs were already filled with water, there wouldn't belong before I lost consciousness.
One of her many arms grabbed reached out to my body but by then I had already lost consciousness.  

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